
🌍 A PHPUnit Test Case that contains methods to help with testing APIs.

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Just some basic helper stuff to help test API endpoints.


  • PHP 7.0 and above
  • PHPUnit 6.0 and above
  • Guzzlehttp 6.2 and above


composer require brunty/api-testcase --dev


Add an environment variable to your PHPUnit Configuration that's your API's base URL:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <env name="api_base_url" value="http://httpbin.org"/>

Extend the \Brunty\ApiTestCase class. If you need to configure the client, call $this->configureClientOptions($options); before calling parent::setUp():


use Brunty\ApiTestCase;

class BooksApiTest extends ApiTestCase
    public function setUp()
        $options = [
            // ...
        // use this if you want to add additional options to the client when it's constructed

Methods and requests available

The test case uses Guzzle (\GuzzleHttp\Client) under the surface, so requests are effectively just made through that. If you need to access the client, you can do so with $this->client(); within your test class.


get(string $path [, array $options])


use Brunty\ApiTestCase;

class BooksApiTest extends ApiTestCase
     * @test
    public function the_api_retrieves_all_books()


post(string $path [, array $options])


use Brunty\ApiTestCase;

class BooksApiTest extends ApiTestCase
     * @test
    public function the_api_creates_a_book()
        $this->post('/books', ['title' => 'My Book']);


patch(string $path [, array $options])


use Brunty\ApiTestCase;

class BooksApiTest extends ApiTestCase
     * @test
    public function the_api_updates_a_book()
        $this->patch('/books/1', ['title' => 'My Updated Book']);


put(string $path [, array $options])


use Brunty\ApiTestCase;

class BooksApiTest extends ApiTestCase
     * @test
    public function the_api_creates_or_updates_a_book()
        $this->put('/books', ['title' => 'My Updated Book']);


delete(string $path [, array $options])


use Brunty\ApiTestCase;

class BooksApiTest extends ApiTestCase
     * @test
    public function the_api_deletes_a_book()

Headers & Responses

getHeader(string $name)

Returns a response header matching the name.


Returns the response object.


Returns the status code from the response.


Returns the contents of the body of the response.


Returns the response body, parsed into either an array (if $asArray is true) or: \stdClass if the response was JSON, \SimpleXmlElement if the response was XML.

If the content type of the response cannot be determined to be either XML or JSON, a \Brunty\ContentTypeNotFound exception will be thrown.


Returns the value of the first Content-Type header element.


Returns true if the content type is XML, false otherwise.


Returns true if the content type is JSON, false otherwise.

The \Brunty\Response class contains a list of constants for all HTTP status codes - these can help make status code assertions more readable - for example:

$this->assertResponseStatus(\Brunty\Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT); as opposed to $this->assertResponseStatus(204);


Assertion Notes
assertResponseOk() (Response code 200)
assertResponseWasSuccess() (200 <= Response Code < 300)
assertResponseWasRedirect() (300 <= Response Code < 400) Note that you may need to set the allow_redirects option to false otherwise status codes of the page after the redirect can be used.
assertResponseWasClientError() (400 <= Response Code < 500)
assertResponseWasServerError() (500 <= Response Code)
assertNodeIsValue($xPathQuery, $value) Runs the xpath query against the result (yes, even for JSON - though
assertRedirectedTo($path) Path can be absolute, or relative to the root api_base_url


This started as a project of boredom one Friday evening, if you find yourself using this, and want more features, please feel free to suggest them, or submit a PR!

Although this project is small, openness and inclusivity are taken seriously. To that end the following code of conduct has been adopted.

Contributor Code of Conduct