This project is in no way endorsed or associated with PHPUnit, nor is it endorsed or associated with Wizards of the Coast / D&D. It is just an extension to lightly insult you when your tests fail.
Thanks to Froggy for the name idea!
Install via composer:
composer require brunty/phpunit-vicious-mockery --dev
Then configure it as a PHPUnit extension in your PHPUnit configuration file:
<bootstrap class="Brunty\PhpunitViciousMockery\Extension"/>
Now when your tests fail it will produce a random insult for you and your failures:
............................................................... 63 / 128 ( 49%)
............................................................... 126 / 128 ( 98%)
F. 128 / 128 (100%)
Vicious Mockery!
class YourCode implements Incompetence