MeliControl MicroServices
npm install
⚠️ WARNING: Need to install Docker and Docker Compose before execute the command below
This part builds all the containers of the services using Docker Compose configuration set on submodule updated earlier.
npm run build:services
⚠️ WARNING: Need to execute the command above (build) before start the containers services.
npm run start:services
npm run start:service:[Service]
npm run stop:service:[Service]
npm run prisma:migrate
npm run prisma:generate
npm run build:microservices
nest build [Microservice]
npm run start
pm2 start ecosystem.microservices.config.js --only=[Microservice]
pm2 stop all
pm2 stop [Microservice] | [Process ID]
pm2 logs
pm2 logs [Microservice]
nest start [Microservice]
⚠️ WARNING: Running the project in watch mode is memory expensive, take care.
nest start [Microservice] --watch
npm run lint:format
docker compose build meli-api
docker compose build meli-cart
docker compose up -d meli-cart --build