
Open group project in 10.009 Digital World

Primary LanguagePython

Project GymNow


This was a group project to develop a GUI using Python and Kivy.
The aim of the project was to design a smart solution to be deployed for smart campus applications in SUTD for its stake-holders.


GymNow aims to create a simple queueing system to manage the gym crowd and collect useful data for gym-goers to plan their schedule.

kv folder contains all the .kv files used by the GUI_GymNow.py file to build the GUI.
.kv files contains all the interface design componenets
.py file contains all the functions and logic required by our system
prev_profiles.txt is a sample database for past users for the autofill function.

Below is the video URL for a demonstration of the system.


This project used an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and RFID MFRC522 sensor.