
Various Practice Javascript Files from NSS Curriculum with descriptions and links

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The following are practice exercises and challenges based on the NSS curriculum.

The index page contains links to each individual challenge or exercise. Each exercise has a descriptive named .html file and associated .js or .css files. Output is rendered either in the console or directly to the DOM.

Overview of Exercises

Battle of the Bands

I developed a function to accept a band name from a text input and assign it a number. Starting with 1, each band name entered will be assigned the next incremented number.


ChickenMonkey (aka FizzBuzz)

ChickenMonkey is a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of five (5, 10, 15, etc.) "Chicken" will appear instead of the number and for the multiples of seven (7, 14, 21, etc.) "Monkey" will appear. For numbers which are multiples of both five and seven "ChickenMonkey" will appear.



I created a function that prints a series of incremented numbers to a DOM element.

The function accepts the following two arguments which will dictate the result of the output:

  • increment value
  • number of increments

The specified arguments will also appear in the text prior preceding the incremented output.

Fibonacci Sequence

I created a function that accepts a number from the user and returns the integer in that place within the Fibonacci Sequence.

Overly Excited

These are a functions that take word arrays and builds a sentence one word at a time in the console. Additional functionality is added to place some form of exclamation character after every third word.

  • iterating over arrays using for loops and conditionals


This function creates a depiction of a pine tree out of a specified character in the Chrome dev tools console.

  • nested for loops
  • event listeners
  • slice and join methods