Welcome To Nashville

This Project was built as a test of how my skills progressed from being a student in the full-stack web developer bootcamp to now working as a Junior Instructor at Nashville Software School.

As a student, myself and three other teammates were able to put together the app located here. I will admit, I was able to follow the patterns that others had put in place, but it took every bit of those five days to complete just my section (Ticketmaster).

I challenged myself, solo, to complete the same project in the same five-day time frame, while simultaneously coaching students and troubleshooting their own code.

Technologies Used

Welcome to Nashville was written in Javascript and makes use of the following APIs:

Instructions for Installing This App

  1. Navigate to the directory in which you want this app to live
  2. run: git clone https://github.com/BryanNilsen/WELCOME-TO-NASHVILLE.git
  4. in /scripts you will find the apiKeys_template.js file that looks like this:
export const apiKeys = {
  "ticketmasterKey": "YOUR KEY HERE",
  "zomatoKey": "YOUR KEY HERE",
  "googleKey": "YOUR KEY HERE"
  1. You will need to acquire your own keys and replace YOUR KEY HERE with your personal
  2. Save and rename this file to apiKeys.js

Launch Servers and Run the App

This app uses json-server

If you don't have it installed already, run the following in your terminal: npm install -g json-server

navigate to /api directory and launch json-server: json-server -p 3000 -w db.json

navigate to the /src directory, where index.html lives, and launch your http server.


Overall, I'm pleased with what I was able to put together in such a short time while also helping others with their apps. Ideally, this app could benefit from some major refactoring, but as it stands, it was a great exercise to measure how far I've come since I last attempted this project.

** I was also close to fully integrating the Google Maps API, which wasn't included in the original challenge.