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Your source for all things front end development.

Error (spelling, grammatical, knowledge) in a post?

Look, I'm a human not a robot. I make mistakes. We all do. If you are reading this thinking "I don't make mistakes" then I ask you, how have you made it this far in life?

In all seriousness, just create a PR (pull request). I'll take a gander at it, decide if it makes sense and possibly merge it. You can then tell your friends and family you are a OSB (open source blog) contributor. Just don't tell your current or future employers that because I just made it up.


NOTE: This isn't even an agreement. I am just putting it out here. It takes two to agree.

I follow a pretty similar approach to CSS-Tricks legal agreement. CSS-Tricks was a partial inspirer to start this blog so I want to give them a bit of credit. Their license is fantastic and how I think a lot on the web should be; open, fun and engaging.

Frontamentals is only around for one reason: to make you a better developer. Whenever I am helping people learn I will tell them:

I want you to be so successful it is ridiculous.

And I really do. I hope every single one of you are so successful that your parents tell their co-workers that you are their little developer. I hope your significant other thinks you are so smart and funny that they post on Instagram about you too much. I hope that you are one day doing the equivalent of launching a Tesla Roadster into space.

So long story short, go launch your Tesla Roadster and lets learn something along the way.