
use koras ML to break capthca

Primary LanguagePython

Before you get started

author: bryanyang

To run these scripts, you need the following installed:

  1. Python 3
  2. OpenCV 3 w/ Python extensions
  1. The python libraries listed in requirements.txt
  • Try running "pip3 install -r requirements.txt"



Download images into the dir 'origin'

Step 1: Extract single letters from CAPTCHA images


python3 denoise2.py

denoies the captcha images. by this, the capacity will be better.


python3 split2.py

The results will be stored in the "extracted_letter_images" folder.

Step 2: Train the neural network to recognize single letters


python3 train_model2.py

This will write out "captcha_model2.hdf5" and "model_labels2.dat"

Step 3: Use the model to solve CAPTCHAs!


python3 slove2.py

有2套模型,一套基于大小split. 一套基于颜色抓取。