
A work in progress for Ken and Pat Britz

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an interactive Storybook.

Author: Pat Britz. Illustrator: Ken Britz. Software Development and Visual Design: Bryce Summers

#Thank you to the following user testers:

This section has been deliberatly left blank.

Try out the book online here.

#Features that are working:

  • The book structure is in place, such as there being a title page, a forward page, a table of contents with working buttons, and all of the pages containing prose.
  • The prose may be altered by the user by selecting from various options.
  • Paragraph layout and general naive font choices have been made.

#Features not yet implemented:

  • The illustrations are not yet integrated into the program.
  • There isn't yet any instructions that tell people that they can navigate using the left and right onscreen buttons or the left and right arrow keys on their personal keyboard.
  • People may not know to click on the variable words to change their choices.
  • Exporting to PDF Documents.
  • Better User experiences, such as being able to drag pages and see pages flip, rather than the current slide show like effect.
  • A sophisticated review of the font choices and sizes.
  • The Title page needs to be revamped with paragraph native line breaks.
  • Some of the longer option texts overflow the option buttons horizontally, which is a bug.
  • All of the objects and background need to be better integrated.
  • I need to finish logically associating choices to collections of background and object names.

Notes: It would be helpful to me if everything was oriented rightside up, with whitespace already removed.