
A Processing Tool that extends the work of Golan Levin's pattern master project.

Primary LanguageJava

Working Download for Processing 2 up to processing 3.0a5 (In Processing 2, there may be some glitches like tabs being created after the code and so forth.) Download


A Processing 3.0a5 Tool that extends the work of Golan Levin's pattern master project.

Please see: https://github.com/golanlevin/Pattern_Master


This tool only works with processing version 3.0a5, we will update it to comply with the upcoming released versions of proccessing when support for PApplet type code is again availible.


  • Function Range Constraining.
  • Horizontal and Vertical Flipping baked made to order into the output functions.
  • Many different categorized interpolation functions to choose from.
  • The program allows the user to insert their new code into new tabs.

Current Status

User Interface Refinement phase.

User Controls

The user can use the arrow keys of mouse button to select categories and individual functions.

The user can use the scroll wheel to scroll through functions or to modify the n parameter. The user can drag the left mouse button on the visualization window to modify the a and b parameters. The use can drag the right mouse button on the visualization window to modify the c and d parameters.

The user can use the scroll wheen while near the visualization section to modify the n parameter.

All of the parameters can also be modified by dragging of lightly clicking on the horizontal parameter scroll bars.

The user can modify the options by clicking on the buttons on the right hand side of the screen.

Exportation of function code to Processing 3.

Press the big "GENERATE CODE" Button.

Current Visual appearance

alt text


Proccessing 3 Sketches will display mysterious errors regarding '(' and ')' if you have neglected to write a setup() or draw() method.

If the Tool seems to be drawing at an offset to the window, try resizing the window and the problem should go away.

Do not switch between java mode and python mode when using this tool and this tool only works in java mode.

Never open more than one instance of the Interpolation Curve Tool.