
This Repository seeks to efficiently keep track of my Java code.

Primary LanguageJava


This Repository seeks to efficiently keep track of my Java code.

This is an unorganized and unseparated repository containing a subset of the code that I have written in JAVA. This is where my most recent java code. As such I cannot guranteed that all of the code contained within this repository is currently working, because I gradually change things and don't fix older projects unless I decided to do some more work on them. I am planning to gradually separate these projects into separate repositories in the future which will make them more stable and will allow me to write more specific documetation for each of them in the hope that someone out there might want to use them.

Notable Projects

Here is a writeup of some 'featured' projects contained within this repository in the hope of helping you the reader to get excited enough about this conglomerate repository to delve into it and discover the cool things hidden inside of it.

Code Base

This project contains all of the bread and butter functionalities that I use everywhere else and is used by just about every other project I have.

  • My personal implementations of data structures. Link.
  • Many implementations of number types for my personal computer algebra system. Link.
  • Lots of other code related to Mathematical Structures and Concepts. Link.
  • My original java game engine. Link.
  • Lots of work with rendering 2D and 3D images. Link. Includes an implicit description of an Englist Horn! Image Code
  • A programmatic font system for rendering Bryce Font2 Link.
  • Lots of useful utility functionality such as parsing strings in java, opening files, making screen compatible buffered images, constructing 2 dimensional arrays of a generic type, etc Link.
  • Much, much more. FIXME: Add more documentation for the Code base...

#Summers CAMP The Summers CAMP project is a visual Computer Algebra System designed to be used in the teaching of Linear Algebra.

  • The code may be found here. Link.
  • The official description of the project may be found here: Link.

#Toy Train Simulator. This is a game that I wrote that as of the time of this writing allows the user to lay down tracks and watch their train cars move about a 2D layout. It has many things that can be improved about it, but it does contain a simplified version of my first game engine. This simplified engine should be more useful to people who want to get a game up and running quickly.

  • Code Link.
  • Here is the official description of the project. Link.

#Projects that I have not yet Documented There are many projects in this JavaCode repository and I have by no means written about all of them. You may find that their are projects that interest you lerking in the undocumented corners of this file tree just waiting for you to discover them.

#More Projects If you have looked at the code in this Jave Code repository quite a bit and want to see more of my projects, here is how you can go about doing just that:

  • Organized website about my creative endeavors. Link.
  • Take a look at my other public GitHub repositories. Link.

#Thank You Thank you for reading this README. I hope you have a pleasant day.