
A World Building endeavor

Primary LanguageJava


A World Building endeavor.

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I worked on this project as an Independant Study project with Golan Levin at Carnegie Mellon University in 2014.

This project is an interactive program that allows the user to travel around a world, wilst discovering lights and elevators.

The work done in this project was later used to produce some large scale maze posters and it was the first time that I implemented my favorite Union-Find based maze generation algorithm.


Please see https://github.com/Bryce-Summers/Randomized_Acyclic_Connected_Sub_Graphs for a project using much more serious and complicated versions of the Union-Find Structure based maze generation algorithm.

Please see https://github.com/Bryce-Summers/Randomized_Acyclic_Connected_Sub_Graphs/blob/master/Mazes/Final%20Writeup/writeup.pdf for a detailed description of Union-Find structure based maze generation.

Please see https://flic.kr/p/qHJWaz for an example of a poster that I have created using this project.

Please see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIOPSbGBZYY for an example video demonstration of the program.


If I were going to reimplement this project, then I would likely take the time to properly abstract the functionality of a 2 Dimensional Lattice based grid, because such constructs are very useful in many, many projects.