
An intuitive, simple, customizable react gallery

With easy support for pre-selected images!

npm install react-custom-gallery

Demo with Storybook

Epic Storybook Demo

npx storybook init

npm run storybook

How to use

Here let's explore the example that inspired me to create this package. We have a dashboard of products, each product has an array of images that belong to it. The Gallery has an array of all the possible images.

💡 react-custom-gallery only requires you to supply arrays of image sources. This means you don't need to manage id's, or selected booleans!

Given the following input:

    // all the possible images in our gallery
    const allImages = ["image1uri", "image2uri", "image3uri", "image4uri"];

    // the images for this specific item
    const preImages = ["image1uri", "image2uri"]; 
import CustomGallery from 'react-custom-gallery';

const [images, setImages] = useState([]);

// get all the images from the server
useEffect(() => {
    allImages = await axios.get('/gallery/all');
}, []);

// get the images for a specific item (optional)
useEffect(() => {
    thisProductImages = await axios.get('/product/images');
}, []);

        <CustomGallery preSelectedImages={thisProductImages} images={allImages} onSelect={setImages} />
        {/** Display the selected images */}
        { => {
            if(image.isSelected === true){
                return <img src={image.src}></img>

With custom styling

containerStyle = {
    // can change the orientation from row to column using flex here, etc

selectedStyle = {
    // your styling here

unselectedStyle = {
    // your default styling here

<CustomGallery preSelectedImages={thisProductImages} images={allImages} onSelect={setImages} 

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