- python3.6 + windows10
- Install external lib
- First, you should install opencv and else libs in current directory
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Second, you should install opengl and pygame(which used to load textures) in your python environment. There I have provided the corresponding libs in ExternalConfig folder, you can copy them to your python env and directly install e.g
python -m pip --user pygame-1.9.6-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
In the program, we need your camera information including intrinsic matrix and distortion coefficient and we use chessboard calibration to get it.
- First, you should download a chessboard image, there I have provided for you ChessBoard. After that, use the camera to capture at least 20 photos and save them to ChessBoardSet as I did.
- Second, execute CameraCalibratioin.py and you can find camera information in CameraParameter/data1.txt
- First, copy the camera intrinsic matrix and distortion coefficient to replace corresponding paramaters AR_entrance.py
- Second, run the AR_entrance.py and you can change models which are saved in Models directory.
- Third, you can press '+' or '-' to scale the model size as video shows.
- Note: you can generating the aruco mark by your self on aruco generator
If you are interested in opencv, opengl and AR welcome to become a contributor, I will respond you as soon as possible.
- You can commit the issue or send an email to bryceqing@zju.edu.cn
- If you like it please give me a star and fork it :) :)