- 0
Ollama Integration
#62 opened by sonic182 - 1
Inject code not working (Lunarvim Nightly)
#31 opened by gipo355 - 5
Idea: Add option to use a local model like GPT4ALL
#44 opened by dhazel - 3
feat(config): add base_url for open_ai in config
#58 opened by S1M0N38 - 0
Error when generating commit messages
#60 opened by Mugworth - 0
- 1
[suggestion]: automatically enter insert mode for neoai-prompt (when running :NeoAI)
#48 opened by bcp-dev-ops - 0
- 0
Lua error after closing chat buffer window
#34 opened by academo - 0
The shortcuts works only the first time, then gets overridden in some way next time nvim is started
#54 opened by emilBeBri - 0
when opening nvim through a script that spawns a term with nvim with a set working dir, it cannot use the OPENAI_API_KEY envir variable.
#53 opened by emilBeBri - 1
Is it not support gpt-3.5?
#49 opened by 5huanghuai - 0
May I ask if it's possible to open up access to interfaces for other large models?
#50 opened by skyfireitdiy - 0
Provide an option to write the openai api key in config directly instead of reading it from os env
#36 opened by LorNtz - 1
Is it possible to custom git commit format?
#33 opened by mactanxin - 3
Is there a way to easily jump between the NeoAI sidebar and a main buffer.
#32 opened by jim-at-jibba - 0
- 1
Configurable model parameters
#28 opened by wfjt - 2
Unable to open using :NeoAI command
#43 opened by rakaar - 1
- 4
Experimental Feature Idea: autoGPT
#14 opened by gipo355 - 2
Telescope integration
#10 opened by ChristianChiarulli - 1
- 2
- 2
Support for configuring openai proxy
#20 opened by sternelee - 0
FR: Add Filetype to the prompt window
#15 opened by chrisgrieser - 0
- 0
"q", "ctrl-c" or "esc" to close
#19 opened by yngwi - 1
- 0
prompt backgound is black with transparent theme
#17 opened by edersohe - 0
NeoAI does not integrate well with focus.nvim
#13 opened by kiran94 - 2
A few feature requests
#1 opened by andrewferrier - 2
Click inside main panel causes error
#7 opened by mattiasbonte - 2
- 1
- 1
Can't get the context command to work
#6 opened by wirtsi - 1
would free OPENAI_API_KEY work?
#3 opened by pwang2 - 2