
Assignments from SWEN326 (Safety-Critical Systems)

Safety-Critical Systems

This course addresses the concepts, techniques and tools required for developing computer systems that are applicable where safety and reliability is paramount. Topics include: the concepts and principles underlying safety-critical systems & standards (e.g. DO178C and IEC61508); techniques for design validation (e.g. model checking); and implementation techniques for ensuring software correctness (e.g. coding guidelines, testing, static analysis, etc). Practical work will involve the design, implementation, and analysis of simple safety critical applications (e.g. for industrial, embedded and healthcare systems).

Course learning objectives

Students who pass this course should be able to:

  1. Describe the key principles of safety critical systems and the implications of these for software design and implementation.
  2. Select and apply appropriate standards and processes to develop safety critical systems, for example IEC 61508 and DO-178C.
  3. Analyse potential risks, hazards, threats, and failure modes in the designs of safety critical systems.
  4. Design and construct software following safety critical standards, processes, and design techniques.
  5. Evaluate system designs and software against safety critical standards.
