
Beautiful schedules for live streaming events.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

horaro - Beautiful Schedules for the Web

horaro (Esperanto for schedule) is a small web application for creating schedules for stream marathons (e.g. on Twitch or Hitbox). It's written in PHP 7.2 and only requires PHP (duh) and MySQL 5 to run.


  • Users can register their own accounts (i.e. horaro is meant to provide a hosted service for people, although registration can be disabled)
  • Schedules can have up to 10 custom columns.
  • responsive user interface
  • semantic HTML5 markup
  • clean, simple URLs
  • proper timezone handling (never be confused about no or ambiguous timezone stuff in schedules)
  • Each schedule is also available as JSON/XML/CSV.
  • Each schedule has its own iCal feed for subscribing with Thunderbird or Google Calendar (or others).
  • Schedules can be themed using Bootswatch.


  • PHP 5.4+ or HHVM 3.6+
  • MySQL 5 or MariaDB 5/10, with InnoDB support
  • a webserver (Apache 2 and nginx are supported, others should work as well)
  • mod_rewrite if you use Apache


Clone or download this repository.

You will need to create a dedicated vhost for horaro, because as of now, all assets and links are absolute. Installing to something like http://localhost/horaro/ will not work. Make sure the vhost points to the www directory.


You need quite a few tools to build horaro (just downloading the source won't be enough to get it running). Make sure you have npm, grunt-cli, bower and Composer installed globally on your system. Then, perform the following steps in your shell:

  1. npm install to install the required node packages for the build process
  2. bower install to download the required assets (CSS/JS)
  3. composer install to install the required PHP packages
  4. grunt to perform the actual build process

Now that the source is ready, you need to prepare your database by creating a new one and executing resources/schema.sql, which will create the needed tables. Afterwards, execute the resources/seed-data.sql, which will initialize the configuration and create your very first account: operator with the password operator (you should obviously change that as soon as possible).

As the last step, duplicate the resources/config/parameters.dist.yml as resources/config/parameters.yml and edit the duplicated file. Follow the comments in there to complete the configuration.

You're done! You should now be able to access horaro via the vhost you've created, e.g. http://horaro.local/.

Moving to Production

When you install horaro on a production machine, be sure to set the installation's debug flag to false in the parameters.yml and then execute grunt ship (after you have done a grunt run). This will duplicate the built assets and create versioned ones (e.g. app-backend.min.5763bb88.css).


horaro is licensed under the MIT license.