
Arkku's Arbitrary Keyboard

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


AAKBD is a USB keyboard implementation for AVR (e.g., ATMEGA32U4, ATMEGA32U2) devices. One of the A's probably stands for Arbitrary, since it is designed to make it simple to add arbitrary C code to be run in response to keypresses. Features supported:

  • remapping keys with an easy syntax (e.g., [KEY(CAPS_LOCK)] = CMD_OR(ESC))
  • layers (i.e., overlays that change the key map below them) - up to 31 layers can be defined, not counting the default mapping which is always there
  • combined modifiers (i.e., keys that work as multiple modifiers, like Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd all in one key)
  • hold/tap modifier keys (i.e., a key that works as a modifier, such as Ctrl, when held down but sends a keypress, such as Esc, if tapped)
  • hold/tap layer toggles (i.e., a key that toggles a layer when held down, but sends a keypress if tapped)
  • modifier or layer keys (i.e., a key that works as a modifier when held down, but toggles a layer if tapped)
  • keylock key (i.e., a key that locks any other key down until either that key or the keylock key is pressed again)
  • simulated Apple Fn key (if you are willing to pretend to be an Apple device, i.e., this is for personal use only)
  • up to 128 arbitrary macros per physical key with 1 byte of automatically saved state for each held key (and of course each macro can save and use any other state as well)
  • hooks for easily overriding the keymap and/or layer system, with 1 byte of automatically saved state for each held key (and, again, each hook is an arbitrary program that can save and use any other state info)
  • simulated typing in both QWERTY and Dvorak layouts (i.e., you can fprintf text and the keyboard will simulate typing it, which basically allows using a text editor as a debug console)
  • DFU-compatible reset (i.e., you can enter the bootloader for firmware update with a DFU_DETACH request, e.g., with dfu-util -e, and if you also use a DFU bootloader you can upload the firmware with that as well)
  • USB boot protocol compatibility (including with a BIOS that does not request it)
  • more than 6 keys + modifiers rollover without driver support (theoretically arbitrary rollover configured at compile time, but let's not call it NKRO since you almost certainly don't need or want that)

Now, that being said, for the regular user it may be better to choose one of the established implementations with easy-to-use tools. These include QMK and TMK. However, for a more technically inclined person, AAKBD may be more straightforward. In particular, the key maps (layers) are based on changing the default, named, keys rather than on a positional matrix. So, for any keyboard that has some kind of natural naming/mapping for the keys, remapping is simply a listing of the differences, rather than a set of complete layers with all positions listed.

Currently this repository contains two implementations:

  • A PS/2 to USB keyboard converter (which I made to convert an IBM Model M keyboard to USB, but it should work with any PS/2 keyboard)
  • An alternative firmware for the OG ErgoDox Ez (which I happen to have from an old job, and decided to port as a proof of concept that this engine is reusable)

~ Kimmo Kulovesi, 2021-10-10


The implementation has been tested with ATMEGA32U4 running at 5V with a 16 MHz crystal oscillator. The physical keyboard needs to be connected to something other than USB, but apart from that there is no additional hardware required beyond the oscillator and components required for the USB connector. It is probably simplest to buy a pre-made breakout board with these components.

I have also tested with an ATMEGA32U2 that the keyboard shows up in the list of USB devices, but I have not actually hooked up a keyboard to one. Porting to other AVR devices should be relatively simple, and most of that code is in avrusb.h.

An ISP programming device is needed unless the microcontroller is already set up with a bootloader.

See the PS/2 to USB converter README for details about that specific use.

For ErgoDox Ez, you need the original version of the keyboard. It contains an ATMEGA32U4 using the Halfkay bootloader. You can simply flash the hex file after compiling with DEVICE=ergodox. See the ErgoDox Ez firmware README for details.

Software Requirements

For building, avr-gcc, avr-libc, GNU make and a shell to run it in are required. For flashing the firmware, avrdude or some other program that can upload it to the microcontroller. For resetting the device into bootloader without key bindings (e.g., if you break your key bindings), it may be helpful to use dfu-util.


It is recommended to create a file called local.mk where you set up the configuration. The various options are documented mainly in usbkbd.h. An example local configuration might be:

DEVICE = ps2usb

PRODUCT_ID = 0x3020U

PRODUCT = "Model M Keyboard"



This example configuration misuses an IBM keyboard's vendor and product id. However, is it really misuse if the actual keyboard is made by IBM? ;> In any case, unauthorised use of vendor ids must be limited to personal DIY projects, not used in any released products!

After creating this file, run make once to create layers.c and macros.c from the included templates. Note that these files reside in the target device directory, e.g., ps2usb/layers.c and ps2usb/macros.c by default. If you wish, you can move one or both of them to the project root directory in order to share them between multiple keyboards.

You may then edit layers.c and macros.c to configure the keyboard. Note that while the template provides some examples, it is not enabled due to LAYER_COUNT being defined as 0 in layers.c. To enable your layers, you must increase LAYER_COUNT to the number of your highest layer. Layer numbers start from 1 (layer 0 is the implicit "default layer", e.g., for the PS/2 to USB converter it maps each PS/2 keycode to the corresponding USB keycode).

Recompile by running make again.

Note that you can place an additional local.mk inside the DEVICE directory, i.e., ps2usb/local.mk. Although, if you don't wish to do other customisation than to set DEVICE, you can just run make from the device subdirectory, i.e., running make in ps2usb will make the PS/2 to USB converter.

Flashing Firmware

You can upload the produced firmware (such as ps2usb.hex) to the microcontroller by either an ISP programmer device or by means of an existing bootloader. I recommend using a bootloader, since that allows you to reset the device with a keyboard shortcut and simply upload with:

make upload PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0

Replace the port with the USB port of your device (e.g., on Mac it is likely to be something like PORT=/dev/cu.usbmodem14101). You can also specify UPLOAD_PROTOCOL=avr109 in case it differs from the default (which is avr109).

To intially get your device into bootloader mode, you need to short the reset (RST) pin to ground. If the device already has a program on it, the time it stays in the bootloader after reset may be extremely short. Reset it twice in a row to extend the time.

With an ISP, hook up the device to the programmer and instead use:

make burn BURNER=stk500v2 PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 BPS=115200

The PORT and BPS parameters may be omitted when not needed, such as for the AVR Dragon.

You can also use make fuses target with the same arguments as for make burn. This programs the fuses on the device for 16 MHz crystal oscillator.

Updating the Firmware

Once you have flashed the firmware onto the device once and have the keyboard working, updating the firmware is much simpler than the initial upload (provided that a bootloader is installed).

If your keyboard has both left and right Shift keys and as well as Scroll Lock mapped, you can enter the bootloader by pressing Left Shift Scroll Lock Right Shift in that order. If you don't have these keys, or have remapped them in ways that make this shortcut inconvenient, you can remap a key to EXT(ENTER_BOOTLOADER) in one of your layers and use that instead. Or you can create a custom macro that calls jump_to_bootloader() based on whatever conditions you like.

If you have ENABLE_DFU_INTERFACE set to 1, you can also enter the bootloader by issuing a DFU_DETACH request. One way to do this is by using dfu-util and the command dfu-util -e. It doesn't actually matter whether your bootloader supports DFU: this will still enter the bootloader. Using a DFU bootloader just enables you to upload the firmware via DFU as well.

Key Mapping

Key Map Files

The basic key mapping happens in layers.c. In the beginning of the file you should define the number of layers to activate:

#define LAYER_COUNT 3

Defining LAYER_COUNT as 3 would enable three layers: 1, 2, and 3. You can also define a DEFAULT_BASE_LAYER, but it is almost certainly best to keep that as 1 (the default default).

Each layer is then defined with the DEFINE_LAYER(number) macro, e.g.:


This would define layer 1 as otherwise pass-through (see below), but remap the physical Caps Lock key to act as Command when held down, or to send an Esc keystroke if only tapped.

There is also macros.c that can be used for more elaborate customisation (see below).

You can use the C pre-processor to #define names for your layers, etc. While you can otherwise put arbitrary C code in this file, I strongly recommend to instead put it in macros.c. Also note that the layers must be stored in PROGMEM, since they do not fit in the microcontroller's RAM. The DEFINE_LAYER macro does this for you, do not try to circumvent it.

If something doesn't work, the first thing to check is that LAYER_COUNT is high enough, and DEFAULT_BASE_LAYER is 1 (or not defined).


You can think of layers as "sheets" placed on top of the keys, in numerical order. The highest-numbered active layer takes precedence, but if there is no mapping for a key in that layer, that position is "transparent" and passes through to the next-highest-numbered active layer. If there is no mapping in any of the active layers, the default mapping is used.

There is an additional concept of "base layer". Simply put, the base layer is always considered active (even if toggled by modifiers) and at the same time no layer below the base layer is considered active. If the base layer is left at the default of 1, this simply means that layer 1 can't be turned off (except by changing the base layer to 0, which is allowed but also irreversible since layer 0 can't contain custom mappings). However, if you map a key to change the base layer to a higher number, doing so disables all layers below it. This can be useful if you have multiple toggleable layers but also wish to have a key that replaces them all with a completely different mapping while preserving the state of those toggles upon returning to the normal base layer.

The syntax for defining a layer is DEFINE_LAYER(number) { … }; with all the key mappings inside the { }. If you wish to define an empty layer for whatever reason, you can use:


That layer will then have no effect, since all keys will pass through it. If you instead wish to make a layer that blocks keys from having any effect, you can use:


This is shorthand for mapping all keys to the special keycode NONE. You can (and almost certainly should) put exceptions to that below the line with DISABLE_ALL_KEYS_NOT_DEFINED_BELOW. An example use case for this might be to make a numpad layer for a tenkeyless (or shorter) keyboard and disable the other letter keys to avoid accidental keypresses outside the numpad area.

Keycodes and Key Maps

At the root of everything is the default mapping, i.e., the "physical key". All remappings are based on the physical keys. Importantly, if you have remapped a key in one layer, it does not change the mappings of other layers. For example, if you remap the physical Caps Lock to Ctrl in one layer, mapping [KEY(CAPS_LOCK)] in another layer will still affect that same physical key, and likewise mapping [KEY(CTRL)] in another layer does not affect the remapped Caps Lock even if it now acts as a Ctrl.

The syntax for mapping inside a layer definition is:

    [KEY(physical_key)] = remapped_key,

The list of physical keys depends on the physical keyboard. Every implementation should uniquely identify each physical key - this is important for mappings to work correctly. If you want multiple keys to send the same keycode, each physical key should be mapped to the same keycode in layers, not in the physical keyboard implementation. For the PS/2 to USB converter, the physical key mappings are as per the PS/2 keycodes, which can be seen in ps2usb_keys.c.

The list of available USB keycodes (the "plain" keys) is in usb_keys.h. For the plain keys you can either use the key names with USB_KEY_X etc. from that file, or with the helper macro KEY(X), which adds the USB_KEY_ prefix for you. It is a matter of preference which you use.

It should also be understood that the term "modifiers" here refers to the left and right Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Cmd/Win/Meta/GUI keys. These are technically keys like any other, and can be used as such in every single-key context (i.e., remapped freely, even to non-modifier keys, and likewise non-modifier keys can be remapped to become true modifier keys). However, for extended keycodes (see below), these modifiers can also be applied in combination with each other or with non-modifier keys in many contexts. Such combinations are only usable as the remapping target, but the "source" must always be only a single physical key.

For the remapped keys only, extended keycodes can be used. These are not actual USB keys, but rather special keycodes that trigger certain functionality of this program itself. They are defined in keycodes.h.

Examples of extended keycodes include:

  • modifiers + key – a combination of modifiers and plain key, e.g., SHIFT(X), CTRL(X), ALT(X), CMD(X), CTRL_ALT(DEL)
  • multi-modifiers – a combination of modifiers only, e.g., CTRL_ALT_SHIFT(CMD) aka KEY_HYPER
  • tap/hold key/modifier combos – acts as a modifier key when held down, but send another keystroke if tapped without pressing other keys, e.g., CTRL_OR(ESC)
  • layer on/off toggles – toggles a layer when released, e.g., LAYER_TOGGLE(2)
  • layer hold on/off toggles – toggles a layer while held, e.g., LAYER_TOGGLE_HOLD(2)
  • "sticky" layer hold on/off toggles – toggles a layer while holding, but it remains toggled if no other key is pressed while holding, e.g., LAYER_TOGGLE_STICKY(2)
  • modifier and layer hold on/off toggle – a combination modifiers and layer toggle while holding, e.g., CMD_SHIFT_AND_LAYER(2)
  • modifier on hold or layer on/off toggle on tap – acts as a modifier when held down but toggles layer if no key was pressed while held, e.g., CTRL_ALT_CMD_SHIFT_OR_LAYER(2)
  • layer on/off toggle hold or plain key on tap – toggles a a layer while holding, but instead sends a plain key press (no modifiers) if no other key was pressed while held, e.g., LAYER_OR_PLAIN_KEY(2, KEY(ESC))
  • base layer change – changes the base layer, effectively disabling all layers with a lower number (but remembering their activation state), e.g., LAYER_SET_BASE(5) (note that the new base layer should have a mapping such as LAYER_SET_BASE(1) to undo this or the change will be permanent)
  • "exact" modifiers, i.e., modifier combinations that set the active set of modifiers to exactly that, removing any other modifiers present, e.g., EXACTLY_CMD can be useful if you wish to have something like Shift Ctrl work as a Command key without including the Shift or Ctrl
  • extended keys – predefined virtual keys, e.g., EXT(ENTER_BOOTLOADER), EXT(RESET_LAYERS) and EXT(HYPER)
  • the keylock key – actually another extended key, EXT(KEYLOCK): press this key and then some other key to lock that other key down until either that same physical key or the keylock key is pressed again
  • macros – macros defined in layers.c and macros.c (see below)

This is not a complete list – there are many more layer commands, including enable or disable instead of hold, or to enable only one exact layer while disabling others, etc. See keycodes.h for details.

As sidenote, the bit structure of the extended keycode is very similar to that used by QMK. However, this is not by design and the keycodes are not directly compatible – it just so happens that implementing a similar set of features in 16 bits dictates exactly how many bits are available for each field of the keycode. =)


Macro keys in this context are essentially just a set of 128 reserved keycode values, that are passed as an argument to a C function, which may do whatever it wishes for each macro. The function also receives the keycode of the physical key triggering the macro, which means that there can easily be 128 macros per physical key. The function also has one byte of data available to easily persist state from the key press to key release. Of course the function may also use its own static variables, or any other data source, to further store and/or read state.

To define a macro, give it a name and add it to the enum macro list in your layers.c file. Map it to a key as MACRO(MACRO_DO_SOMETHING). Then, in macros.c, handle that macro in the function

void execute_macro(uint8_t macro_number, bool is_release, uint8_t physical_key, uint8_t * restrict data)

The arguments of this function are as follows:

  • macro_number – the number of the macro, i.e., the MACRO_DO_SOMETHING
  • is_releasetrue if the key is being released, false if it is being pressed down
  • physical_key – the plain keycode of the physical key that was pressed to trigger the macro (this allows the same macro to be assigned to multiple keys and produce a different result)
  • data – a pointer to a single (1) byte of storage, which you can set the value of and it will persist from the key press (is_release == false) to to release (is_release == true)

The helper facilities available to macros are mostly listed in macros.h. However, since this is an arbitrary program, you can call any C function, use inline assembly, etc. The file usbkbd.h has various lower level functions, such as simulated keypresses (bypassing the key processing system) and simulated typing (if enabled at compile type) where you can fprintf(usb_kbd_type, "any text"); and the keyboard will "type" it.

Some of the more important functions are:

  • register_key(uint8_t usbkey, bool is_release) – register the given USB key as pressed (is_release == false) or released (is_release == true)
  • add_strong_modifiers(uint8_t mask) / remove_strong_modifiers(uint8_t mask) / clear_strong_modifiers() – manipulate the set of active "strong" modifiers (which remain active until cleared)
  • add_weak_modifiers(uint8_t mask) – add "weak" modifiers that only affect the next keypress
  • usb_keyboard_simulate_keypress(uint8_t key, uint8_t modifiers) – simulate the press and release of a key with the given modifiers (this completely bypasses the key processing state, i.e., all other keys are released)

Macro Example

For example, here is one macro that I defined in order to produce the letters Ä and Ö on the US Dvorak layout on my iPad – since that layout has no key that would directly produce these, the macro has to trigger a dead umlaut by pressing AltU and then either Shift A or Shift O. Let's call this macro MACRO_IPAD_A_O:

// layers.c
enum macro {
    // …

It also needs to be mapped to the A and O keys:

// layers.c

Note that I'm mapping KEY(DVORAK_O) instead of KEY(O), because the physical keys are named according to QWERTY. The key A is in the same place for both layouts.

Then, in macros.c, handle that macro:

static void
    uint8_t macro_number,
    bool is_release,
    uint8_t physical_key,
    uint8_t * restrict data)
    const enum macro macro = macro_number;

    switch (macro) {
    // …
    case MACRO_IPAD_A_O:
        if (!is_release) {
            const bool is_dvorak = !is_layer_active(DVORAK_ON_QWERTY_LAYER);
            const uint8_t mods = strong_modifiers_mask();

            if ((mods & (ALT_BIT | ALTGR_BIT)) && !(mods & (CMD_BIT | RIGHT_CMD_BIT | CTRL_BIT | RIGHT_CTRL_BIT))) {
                    is_dvorak ? KEY(DVORAK_U) : KEY(U),
            if (physical_key == KEY(A)) {
                *data = physical_key;
            } else {
                *data = is_dvorak ? KEY(DVORAK_O) : KEY(O);
        register_key(*data, is_release);

Basically what happens here is:

  • on keypress (!is_release) check whether Alt (but not Cmd or Ctrl) is active
  • if Alt is active, simulate pressing and releasing AltU (usb_keyboard_simulate_keypress) and activate Shift for the next keypress only (add_weak_modifiers) while clearing any active modifiers (clear_strong_modifiers)
  • either A or O is pressed with register_key, depending on the physical key used to activate the macro
  • the state of the (custom, not shown) DVORAK_ON_QWERTY_LAYER layer is used to determine whether O and U should be pressed according to QWERTY or Dvorak layouts
  • on release the same key (stored in *data on press) is released, also with register_key

While this is a niche example to be sure, it demonstrates how a macro can do multiple key presses, use modifiers, and change its behaviour based on the physical key and active layer state.

Custom Key Processing

Apart from macros, there are also functions that can be used for custom key processing that would be unwieldy to handle through the keycode system. The philosophy here is that for programmers (the target audience) it is simpler to write a few lines of code than to learn some custom domain-specific macro language to accomplish the same thing.

Note: The key processing facilities are not available unless LAYER_COUNT > 0. If you wish to use only these functions without any layer-based mapping, just #define LAYER_COUNT 1 and DEFINE_LAYER(1) { PASS };

Key Press and Release

static inline keycode_t
preprocess_press(keycode_t keycode, uint8_t physical_key, uint8_t * restrict data) {
    return keycode;

The preprocess_press function is called after an extended keycode has been resolved from the currently active layers. It can alter the keycode as it chooses and return the changed keycode. Returning NONE from here causes the key press to have no further effect. There is one byte of data available that persists from this call to postprocess_release, if set.

static inline void
postprocess_release(keycode_t keycode, uint8_t physical_key, uint8_t data) {

The postprocess_release function is called after the key has been released. The keycode will be the same that was returned by preprocess_press for the corresponding press, and data will contain the byte written to *data there.

Layer State

static inline void
layer_state_changed(uint8_t layer, bool is_enabled) {
    if (layer == DVORAK_LAYER) {
        if (is_enabled) {
        } else {

The layer_state_changed function is called when a layer becomes active or inactive. This includes the effects of setting the base layer, as well as resetting layers or the entire key processing system. The example shown above shows how to make an LED indicate the state of a layer. In this example the LED is only overridden on, not off, i.e., if the computer/host tells the keyboard to turn on the Scroll Lock LED, it can be on regardless of the layer state. It would be possible to additionally add_override_leds_off to prevent this.

Time-based Events

static inline void
handle_tick(uint8_t tick_10ms_count) {

The handle_tick function is called approximately every 10 milliseconds. This is not an interrupt, so long macros, etc. can delay the consecutive calls. Nothing in the default implementation is time-based (other than USB idle reports), but this function can be used to implement timeouts etc. An example would be to set some static variable from a macro or preprocess_press and then do something here based on that and the elapsed time.

The current tick_10ms_count can be obtained outside this function by calling current_10ms_tick_count(). Note that it is an 8-bit value, i.e., it overflows every 2.56 seconds. You can of course keep track of these rollovers in this function and have local timers longer than that.

All current devices implemented also use only timers 0 and 1 of the AVR. So you can use other hardware timers to implement your own timing.


As tip for debugging what is going on, consider something like the following code in postprocess_release:

if (is_debug_mode) {
    fprintf_P(usb_kbd_type, PSTR(" %04x"), keycode);

and in layer_state_changed:

if (is_debug_mode) {
    fprintf_P(usb_kbd_type, PSTR(" @%d=%d"), layer, is_enabled);

(And add some macro to toggle bool is_debug_mode, or hardcode it to true.)

This makes the keyboard type the keycode, i.e., go into a text editor and you should see the keycodes for the keys as they are released. You can of course add any other relevant info to the printout. You may also consider blocking the actual keys from registering in debug mode, e.g., with the following in preprocess_press:

if (is_debug_mode && !is_extended_keycode(keycode)) {
    return NONE;

This blocks non-extended keys, but allows extended keycodes (i.e., the ones you have customised) to work. (Those keys will also then print 00ff from postprocess_release, so you may consider checking keycode != NONE there.)


A very simplified overview of the program is as follows:

  • main.h – each "main program" (e.g., ps2usb.c) needs to implement these facilities, as well as reading the physical keyboard and calling the key procesing and USB facilities outlined below.
  • keys.c – this is the key processing component (which includes macros.c and layers.c), and is invoked by calling process_key(key, is_release). The main function also needs to poll keys_led_state() to set the physical LEDs to match the desired state (from USB host and custom overrides). See keys.h for the complete set of functions.
  • usbkbd.c – the USB keyboard implementation. This handles all of the USB setup and communication (with help from avrusb.h). The main program calls usb_init() to set up, while keys.c calls functions like usb_keyboard_press(key) and usb_keyboard_release(key) to activate keypresses. It also calls usb_keyboard_send_if_needed() to send updates to the computer/host.

The main programs reside in different subdirectories, e.g., ps2usb:

  • ps2usb.c – the PS/2 to USB converter's main program, which handles the physical keyboard setup, and calling all the init and USB/key processing functions
  • ps2usb_keys.c – this is only used by ps2usb.c to convert from PS/2 keycodes to the corresponding USB keycodes, in order to give each key a unique default mapping.
  • kk_ps2.c – again, only used by ps2usb.c to communicate with the PS/2 keyboard. This is reused from my PS/2 to serial mouse converter. PS/2 is implemented by bit banging and interrupts rather than the USART, mainly because in that other project the USART was needed for the RS-232 serial port. However, this also means the USART is free on this project as well, e.g., to use as a debug console.

The main program is selected either with the DEVICE argument to make or from the local.mk file, e.g., make DEVICE=ps2usb targets the PS/2 to USB converter. There can be a separate local.mk file inside the device directory, i.e., ps2usb/local.mk.

For keyboards ported from QMK, such as the ErgoDox Ez, it mostly suffices to import config.h and matrix.c files for that keyboard, create a keymap to define the basic mapping from the matrix positions to unique keycodes (e.g., keymap.c), and a main program that mostly just needs to control the keyboard's LEDs (e.g., ergodox.c). In theory things should Just Work if the keyboard itself is running on an ATMEGA32U4 device. Of course there are likely to be some adjustments needed to configuration, e.g., disable any non-supported feature.

About Rollover

When it comes to USB keyboards, there's often talk about key rollover (KRO), and in particular "NKRO", i.e., the ability to press any number (n) keys down at the same time. NKRO is often contrasted with 6KRO (6-key rollover) of the USB "boot protocol", which is used by simple USB hosts like the BIOS and some devices that don't run a full general-purpose OS. However, I think that 6KRO is often misunderstood to imply 2KRO, which is a typical limitation of many key matrix -based physical keyboards. This is not the case.

First, let's define "rollover": in this context it means that any combination of that many keys can be simultaneously recognised. Most keyboards physically wire the keys into a matrix such that each key is connected to one row and one column. When the key is pressed, both the row and the column show as having a keypress. In case of one or two simultaneously pressed keys, the keys are simply the ones at the positions where the "pressed" rows and columns intersect. However, pressing a third key connected to the same row or column as one of the other two keys can make it ambiguous which keys in that shared row/column in the simple matrix implementation. Hence, such keyboards often have some combinations of only 3 keys that can't be detected, i.e., 2-key rollover (2KRO) since the maximum number of keys where any combination can be detected is 2.

Modern keyboards tend to add diodes to the matrix to prevent this issue, or at least arrange the electrical matrix in such ways that those worst cases are very unlikely to occur in practice. Meanwhile older and simpler keyboards may use a simple matrix that closely follows the physical key layout, which can lead to some common combinations being impossible to detect. For example, the IBM Model M keyboard cannot recognise Shift Caps Lock S, which can be a problem if you remap Caps Lock to Ctrl or Cmd.

Completely distinct from the limitations of the physical keyboard, we have the USB boot protocol limitation of 6KRO. Or, more accurately, any combination of all eight modifiers (left/right Shift/Ctrl/Alt/Cmd) and then any 6 other keys. So, if the physical keyboard can support the combination, even the boot protocol allows pressing one non-modifier key with each finger of one hand, one more non-modifier key on top of that, and any combination of modifiers. Personally I find it hard to imagine any real situation where more than this is needed; in gaming the other hand tends to be on the mouse, and furthermore the key bindings often include Shift and Ctrl, which do not count towards the 6 keys limit. Perhaps if two people play on a single keyboard, but how common is that with USB devices where you can just plug in more controllers?

I do fondly remember that Star Control for DOS came with a "Key jammin'" program to try which keys can be held down without jamming other keys. Each player needed to potentially press four keys at once, so for two players it was somewhat challenging, but not impossible, to find a suitable combination that is still ergonomic enough to be playable. But nowadays you can play Star Control 2 Super Melee in The Ur-Quan Masters with multiple controllers.

Anyway, I think the desire for NKRO is more likely to be the desire for a keyboard that doesn't have 2KRO matrix limitations, but those limitations have become confused with the boot protocol modifiers + 6KRO. Of course gaming keyboard manufacturers are happy to take advantage of this and pretend that NKRO is important for gaming, which it isn't. (Even Star Control 2, two players on one keyboard, would work with 8-10KRO. And, yes, I consider that the ultimate benchmark.)

This is why this project doesn't bother implementing true NKRO, which would increase memory use, the size of every USB report packet, and vastly complicate things. The rollover is configurable, however. You can get modifiers + 7KRO "for free" since the 7th key uses the normally unused reserved byte of the boot protocol report. The default USB_MAX_KEY_ROLLOVER is set to 10, i.e., modifiers + 10KRO, which really "should be enough for anybody", given that you can press one non-modifier key per finger and any combination of modifiers.

Ten keys with modifiers should even cover the most complex macros that press many virtual keys with one physical key, especially since most such combinations involve modifiers, e.g., the Hyper key of Shift Ctrl Alt Cmd is only modifiers and thus "free" even in boot protocol mode. The cost of 10KRO over the 6KRO is only 3 extra bytes in the report, and it is compatible with the boot protocol until more than 6 keys are pressed at once. If you really think you need more rollover, you can set USB_MAX_KEY_ROLLOVER higher, but I seriously doubt the need beyond bragging rights.

As an aside, it would indeed be possible to implement NKRO using a bitmap report for all keys, rather than just the modifiers, but I hope the above has convinced you that it is not worth it.

Oh, and if you are wondering about boot protocol compatibility, this keyboard defaults to the "report" (non-boot) protocol unless the host (e.g., BIOS) specifically requests boot protocol. I believe this to be as specified. However, some BIOSes do not request the boot protocol. Yet, as long as they can handle more than 8 bytes in the report, the first 8 bytes are compatible with the boot protocol even in report protocol mode. To get similar compatibility with a bitmap NKRO, these bytes would typically be wasted. If you encounter a BIOS that does not work, the options are to decrease USB_MAX_KEY_ROLLOVER to 7 (or 6 if you need ENABLE_APPLE_FN_KEY), or to map a key to EXT(TOGGLE_BOOT_PROTOCOL) and use it to manually switch to the boot protocol when needed.