
ES6 module of cubism.js for a recent version of d3.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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cubism-es is an ES6 module of cubism, based on d3v7.

IMPORTANT Version 1.1.0 contains api breaks. Please see below for details


  1. ES6 Usage
npm install cubism-es --save
import { context } from 'cubism-es';

Please note adding cubism-es will automatically add d3 as a dependency into your project. From version 1.1.2, there's no need to declare d3 as globals in your project with the webpack ProvidePlugin

  1. Standalone Usage
<script src="lib/d3.v7.min.js" charset="utf-8" type="application/javascript"></script>
<script src="lib/cubism-es.standalone.js" charset="utf-8" type="application/javascript"></script>

API Breaks (v1.1.0)

function cubism cubism-es
Context.axis d3.select(...).call(context.axis) context.axis().render(d3.select(...))
Context.rule d3.select(...).call(context.rule) context.rule().render(d3.select(...))
Context.horizon d3.select(...).call(context.horizon) context.horizon().render(d3.select(...))

API Breaks (v1.0.0 and previous)

function cubism cubism-es
Context d3.select(...).call(cubism.context) const context = cubism.context(d3.select(...)).height(30)
Context.axis d3.select(...).call(context.axis) context.axis(d3.select(...))
Context.rule d3.select(...).call(context.rule) context.rule(d3.select(...))
Context.horizon d3.select(...).call(context.horizon) context.horizon(d3.select(...))


the following samples work, you can try them by downloading this project and running npm install and npm run dev:


  1. Clone repository
  2. Run commands
npm install         // install dependencies
npm run dev         // view demos in web browser at localhost:3004
npm run build       // build
npm run test        // run tests only
npm run test:cover  // run tests and view coverage report

About vscode

It seems that everybody (almost) is using vscode those days, I'm not (I'm using VIM) but in case you want to use it and do debug here is a config that worked for launch.json:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch stock.html",
            "type": "firefox",
            "request": "launch",
            "reAttach": true,
            "url": "http://localhost:3004/stock.html",
            "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "tmpDir": "${HOME}/Work/tmp",
            "pathMappings": [
                    "url": "http://localhost:3004/stock.html",
                    "path": "${workspaceFolder}/demo/stock.html"

About the main and the master branches

In git repositories, main or master are usually considered root branch but you usually have just one of them (either main or master) not both.

So why 2 here ?, as of Mayu 2024 I (Matthieu) still have hope to get in touch with the original maintainer of cubism-es and that's why I maintain a stack of diff against his root branch: master but that starts to be annoying when you want to use a more up to date and maintained version, that's why I created the main branch with what I think is a stable version of the code.


For more information, please visit square/cubism's home page and wiki, this version should support the same API.

Starting from 1.2.0 there is a new zoom api for context, as the name implies it allows to zoom on the horizon(s). In order to do so add something like this:

    const z = d3.select("body").append("div")
        .attr("class", "zoom");

    context.zoom(function(start, end) {
        console.log(`Doing a zoom from point ${start} to point ${end}`);
        context.zoom().zoomTime(start, end);

The core of the configuration is the function that you pass to zoom(), it takes 2 parameters: the start index and the end index of the zoom, it's not time based but pixel based.

You can do pretty much anything you want in the zoom function like actually zooming or calling a different URL with a detailed analysis of the zoom time. There is a function in the zoom module that you can reuse for doing the actual zooming: zoom().zoomTime(), your source must be able to provide a fresh array of values to handle the zoom, see examples in the stock or random demo.

Zoom also support a zoom style or zoom type, the default one is drawing a rectangle from the point where you click and to the point where you are moving your mouse, onelane will start at the top of the horizon that has been clicked and will go to the bottom of this horizon; full will start at the top of the whole cubism graph till the bottom of it.


Graphite, Cube and GangliaWeb have not been verified yet.


Contributors of the original cubism, Yun Xing for the ES6 port, Matthieu for the clean-up and the upgrade to d3v7.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details