
Dotfiles for me! Dotfiles for you?

Primary LanguageVim Script

Dot files and other setup stuff for a new computer

  1. Download OhMyZsh
  2. Follow instructions for agnoster theme
  3. Setup symlinks and install extras with install.sh script
  4. Use "PlugInstall" in vim to install plugins
  5. Generate SSH key for GitHub
  6. Install NPM
  7. Install The Silver Searcher
  8. Install eslint
  9. Install flow
  10. Install Dropbox

OS X Only

  1. Download iTerm
  2. Install Solarized dark theme for it
  3. Map Caps Lock to Esc
  4. Install Spectacle for window management
  5. Install Karabiner
  6. Install Homebrew
  7. Install MiddleClick

Ubuntu Only

  1. Download Terminator
  2. Set Solarized dark theme for it in preferences (it comes bundled with it, yay!)
  3. Map Caps Lock to Esc


  • Switch to Antigen for ohmyzsh plugins