
Welcome to my personal website! This website is built using Vite, React, and TypeScript and is run in a Docker container for easy deployment and development.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Terminal Website

Welcome to my personal website!

This website is built using Vite, React, and TypeScript and is run in a Docker container for easy deployment and development.
It features:

  • a system for generating sub-pages based on Markdown files,
  • a programmatically generated routing system that works like the cd command in the Linux terminal,
  • an ASCII graphic generator,
  • Linux terminal theme.

The website includes a portfolio page with graphics served in ASCII, and a contact form with a map showing the location of my city in ASCII.
It serves as an online portfolio, showcasing my skills and experiences as a programmer and front-end developer.
Visitors can use the contact form to easily get in touch with me for inquiries or to request a quote for a project.

Thank you for visiting!


Visual Studio Code


  • First run

    • First, you need to build a container. You can do this by running the below command in the root of the project catalog

      docker-compose up --build
    • Open the Visual Studio Code in root direction of project.

    • Run the Dev Containers: Reopen in Container... command from the Command Palette (F1), and select the terminal-fe project.

    • Every necessary extensions and settings will be installed and configured when DevContainer is run for the first time

  • Normal startup

    Simply, run the below command in the root of the project catalog

      docker-compose up

    run the Dev Containers: Attach to Running Container... command from the Command Palette (F1),
    and select the terminal-fe project.


Describe any useful development scripts, such as a script to lint the code or run tests.

  • dev - a command that is run at container startup. It is used to start a live server in the development environment
  • build - to build the production version of the application
  • preview - to locally preview production build
  • test - to run the vitest test environment
  • test:coverage - to generate test coverage of the project
  • lint - to log lint errors in files using ESLint
  • lint:fix - to lint and fix (possibly fixable) files with ESLint
  • prettier - to log format errors in files using Prettier
  • lint:fix - to format and fix (possibly fixable) files with Prettier
  • format - to log lint and format errors in files using ESLint and Prettier. Started automatically by husky every time you run git commit -m " "
  • prepare - to automatically have Git hooks enabled after install
  • plop - A little tool that saves you time and helps your team build new files with consistency. Generate code when you want, how you want.
  • semver - to add semver to project use command npm run semver -- version=maj.min.ptch

If you would like to see the output of the container in the terminal built into WSL.

  • Go to Remote Explorer tab in VSCode
  • Right click on terminal-website terminal-fe in Dev Containers tab
  • Choose Show Container Log


Explain how to build and deploy the project, including any necessary configuration steps. If the project is deployed to a specific platform, such as Heroku or AWS, provide instructions for doing so.




Vite React TypeScript Docker Visual Studio Code ESLint Prettier Lodash