
Getting Started with Hollow Knight Modding

MIT LicenseMIT



Hollow Knight Modding documentation.

Live page : https://prashantmohta.github.io/ModdingDocs/


The idea is to create a set of documentation and video guides that can be of use to everyone from the absolute beginner to the advanced modder, from the person wondering where to start, to the one looking to find how to do a very specific thing. Currently #1 priority is to cover the basics and the bread and butter of modding, but as and where applicable, i would definitely want to add additional references, explanations, videos and follow-along guides, even for more advanced & niche things.

The live webpage, as it is currently, serves both as a preview & as a living todo-list for the docs. If you wish to contribute, you are welcome to PR to this repo.

Discord : https://discord.gg/RppAb2vNqz