
Fast, embeddable, JIT language.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Fast, embeddable, JIT compiled language.

Example Code

This is concept code. There is still some discussion on what the final language will exactly look like, especially with more specific things like the case for standard function names, but this is a close approximation to how the final language might look.

// Global variables are defined with an identifier, an equal sign, 
// and the value (with the terminating semicolon of course).
Variable1 = "This variable is global!";

// Local variables are defined similarly to global variables but have
// a simple "local" prefix.
local Variable2 = "This variable is local!";

// Variable identifiers can be defined with alphanumeric characters and underscores.

// Standard "print" function. Outputs "Hello, world!" and a newline suffix to the console.
PrintLn("Hello, world!");

// Function declaration/definition.
// Similar to Javascript's function declaration.
function ExampleFunction() {
	PrintLn("This is a simple function!");

Global Variables

Global variables are those that can always be accessed from any part of the code and from totally different files--as long as they are compiled and ran under the same environment.

Global Variables Demonstration
rebar::environment env;

rebar::function first_file = env.compile_string("GlobalVar = \"Hello, world!\"; LocalVar = \"Goodbye, world!\";");

rebar::function second_file = env.compile_string("PrintLn(GlobalVar); PrintLn(LocalVar);");
// Prints:
// Hello, world!
// null

Local variables are only valid for the lifetime of their scope, while global variables are valid for the lifetime of the environment.