
Tyrence's implementation of the Anarchy Online Chat Protocol written in Java

Primary LanguageJava

This is an implementation of the Anarchy Online Chat Protocol, written in Java.

To install locally (to resolve dependencies)

  1. Download TyrLib source
git clone https://github.com/Budabot/TyrLib.git
cd TyrLib/
  1. (Optional) If you need a particular version, switch to that version
git checkout 1.11
  1. Build and Install (run this from the TyrLib directory)
docker run -it --rm --name tyrlib-build -v ~/.m2:/root/.m2 -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src/mymaven -w /usr/src/mymaven maven:3.6.3-jdk-11-slim mvn -e install

Sample Bot

package com.example;

import aoChatLib.Crypto;
import com.jkbff.ao.tyrlib.chat.socket.AOClientSocket;
import com.jkbff.ao.tyrlib.chat.socket.Closeable;
import com.jkbff.ao.tyrlib.packets.serialization.ClientPacketSerializer;
import com.jkbff.ao.tyrlib.packets.client.LoginRequest;
import com.jkbff.ao.tyrlib.packets.client.LoginSelect;
import com.jkbff.ao.tyrlib.packets.serialization.ServerPacketDeserializer;
import com.jkbff.ao.tyrlib.packets.server.*;

import java.net.Socket;

public class LoginExample {

    private boolean isRunning = true;

    private String username = "username";
    private String password = "password";
    private String characterName = "character";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new LoginExample().start();

    public void start() throws Exception {
        // set server address and port
        String serverAddress = "chat.d1.funcom.com";
        int serverPort = 7105;

        // the library needs to know how to create incoming packets from bytes (deserializer), and how to convert
        // outgoing packets to bytes (serializer).  the library includes an implementation to do this, but you can
        // provide your own serializer/deserializer (and packet implementations) if desired
        ClientPacketSerializer serializer = new ClientPacketSerializer();
        ServerPacketDeserializer deserializer = new ServerPacketDeserializer();

        // we need a class with a close() method that will be called when there is a socket/connection error
        // so we can cleanup resources.  in this example, it just sets isRunning flag to false so the connection
        // will shut down gracefully
        Closeable onError = new SocketError(this);

        // create a client socket (a bot will act as a client to the ao chat server)
        AOClientSocket aoClientSocket = new AOClientSocket("main", new Socket(serverAddress, serverPort), deserializer, serializer, onError);

        // connect socket to ao chat server

        while (isRunning) {
            // read packet from socket, packet will wait up to 1s for a packet, and then will return null
            // this is then done in a loop, to allow graceful shutdown when isRunning is flipped to false
            BaseServerPacket packet = aoClientSocket.readPacket();
            if (packet != null) {
                // print out packet for debug purposes

                // get type of packet based on the packet type
                switch (packet.getPacketType()) {
                    case LoginSeed.TYPE:
                        // cast to correct packet type
                        LoginSeed loginSeed = (LoginSeed) packet;

                        // generate login key from username, password, and seed using AO Crypto class
                        String loginKey = Crypto.generateKey(username, password, loginSeed.getSeed());

                        // create LoginRequest packet
                        LoginRequest loginRequest = new LoginRequest(0, username, loginKey);

                        // send packet (this should take a generic type, and allow an outgoing packet factory for
                        // converting a packet to bytes but this has not been done yet)
                    case LoginError.TYPE:
                        // cast to correct packet type
                        LoginError loginError = (LoginError) packet;

                        System.out.println("error logging in: " + loginError.getMessage());
                    case CharacterList.TYPE:
                        // cast to correct packet type
                        CharacterList characterList = (CharacterList) packet;

                        // find character id for the character we want to login as
                        long charId = -1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < characterList.getName().length; i++) {
                            if (characterList.getName()[i].getData().equals(characterName)) {
                                charId = characterList.getUserId()[i].getData();

                        if (charId == -1) {
                            System.out.println("Could not find character '" + characterName + "' on account");
                        } else {
                            LoginSelect loginSelect = new LoginSelect(charId);
                    case LoginOk.TYPE:
                        System.out.println("Login successful!");
                    // TODO handle other packets
                        // do nothing

        System.out.println("bot is shutdown");

    public void stop() {
        this.isRunning = false;

class SocketError implements Closeable {
    private LoginExample loginExample;

    public SocketError(LoginExample loginExample) {
        this.loginExample = loginExample;

    public void close() {
        // cleanup any resources (eg. threadpools, file pointers, database connections, etc)

        // shutdown bot gracefull