
Welcome to our global repository! Below is an overview of the folders contained within:

Folder Name Description
DarkLight-apply-WebApp A web application project for DarkLight theme.
'Form Project' Project focused on creating web forms.
Responsive-Portpolio-Template Portfolio template designed to be responsive.
devaloper-Portpolio Portfolio showcasing various developer projects.
GitHub_card Project for generating GitHub profile cards.
Text-slider-animation Animation project featuring text sliders.
FoodDeliveryWebApp Web application project for food delivery services.
TravelVlogerWebapp Web application tailored for travel vloggers.

Each folder contains its own set of files and resources related to its respective project or template.

Please refer to the README files within each folder for specific instructions on usage, installation, and other relevant information.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to the repository maintainers.

Happy coding! 🚀