
A project using React through Reagent, for selling show tickets.

Primary LanguageCSS



This is a project created for the purpouse of learning Reagent.

Jargons and definition

Component-level state

State which only exist at the component environment

Treading and (DOM) elements - note on notation

Class: 14-gig-editor.mp4

Editing giggin.components.gig-editor

All these forms are equivalent,

#(.log js/console (.-value (.-target %)))
#(.log js/console (-> %
#(.log js/console (.. %

#(.log js/console (.. % -target -value))

Change state-and-model, with input

”(…) We will be using these inputs to change values in our model and save them to our state. Additionally, we will be populating these values, when we will be editing a gig (model).”

Change state of the model

Example: our editor-application that instantiate our model.

The application

Here, we use values as our core state for the editor-application.

Read: next step

(ns giggin.components.gig-editor)

(defn gig-editor-footer [modal]
    {:on-click #(reset! modal false)}

(defn gig-editor-body-form [{:keys [id type value values]}]
   [:label.form__label {:for id } id]
   [:input.form__input {:type      type
                        :id        id
                        :value     value ;;(:title @values)
                        :on-change #(do (swap! values assoc (keyword id) (.. % -target -value))
                                        (.log js/console (.. % -target -value)))}]])

(defn gig-editor-body-form-soldout [values]
   [:label.form__label {:for "sold-out"} "sold-out"]
    [:input {:type      :checkbox
             :checked   (:sold-out @values)
             :on-change #(swap! values assoc :sold-out (.. % -target -checked))}]

(defn gig-editor
  "Component responsible for bridging the user to the functionality of adding gigs to the plataform"
  [modal values]
  [:div.modal (when @modal {:class "active"})
     (gig-editor-body-form {:id "title" :type "text"   :value (:title @values) :values values})
     (gig-editor-body-form {:id "desc"  :type "text"   :value (:desc @values) :values values})
     (gig-editor-body-form {:id "img"   :type "text"   :value (:img @values) :values values})
     (gig-editor-body-form {:id "price" :type "number" :value (:price @values) :values values})
     (gig-editor-body-form-soldout values)]
    (gig-editor-footer modal)]])

Next step: local-state to database-state

Next step: This value, called values, only changes locally, where it’s called (e.i., at <a href=”file:src/giggin/components/gigs.cljs::(defn gigs”>giggin.gig).

(defn gigs
  (let [modal-plus  (r/atom false)
        modal-minus (r/atom false)
        values (r/atom {:id nil :title "" :desc "" :img "" :price 0 :sold-out false})]
    (fn []
        (modal-add modal-plus)
        (modal-remove modal-minus)
        (gig-editor modal-plus values)
        (for [{:keys [id img title price desc]} (vals @state/gigs)]
          (gig id img title price desc))]])))

The goal, now, is to store this local-variable at our local-database. That is, migrate our local-state to database-state.