Rails application


  • Ruby - 2.2
  • rails - 3.2

Getting started

To get the Rails server running locally:

  • Clone this repo
  • bundle install to install all req'd dependencies
  • rake db:create to create database
  • rake db:migrate to make all database migrations
  • rails s to start the local server

Note : If you want some data be loaded initially run rake db:seed

Gems used


  • app/models - Contains the database models for the application where we can define methods, validations, queries, and relations to other models.
  • app/views - Contains templates for generating the JSON output for the API
  • app/controllers - Contains the controllers where requests are routed to their actions, where we find and manipulate our models and return them for the views to render.
  • config - Contains configuration files for our Rails application and for our database, along with an initializers folder for scripts that get run on boot.
  • db - Contains the migrations needed to create our database schema.