I'm Emirhan I am a fullstack developer 👨‍💻 in progress since 2014 🚀

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on fast Encrypt 1.1 in Python

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning ReactJS/Redux & Vue.JS

  • ❓ Ask me about anything related to MERN stack and related technologies, i can also help with PHP (Laravel 5.* - 8)

  • ⚡ Fun fact: I use tabs over spaces & code every day , P.S: Im a total golang newbie.

🏆 Bug Bounty:


Hack The Box

My Skill Set

Frontend development

React Bootstrap CSS3 HTML5 Chart.js JavaScript jQuery

Backend development

PHP MongoDB Node.js Python Express.js Redux Laravel

Devops knowledge

GCP Kubernetes Linux Git Bash Nginx XAMPP

Connect with me

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Github Stats