
Telegram Robot for show recive data as JSON

Primary LanguagePHP

Hi 👋, I'm BugHunter

Robot Telegram for show receive message as JSON

this code writed with PHP

how to use

  1. upload this code on host with support PHP,SSL
  2. enter token robot (get from telegram botfather) in :
$token = '';
  1. set webhook robot url with address sourcecode


result like this :

  "update_id": 307839236,
  "message": {
      "message_id": 64,
      "from": {
          "id": 100912345,
          "is_bot": false,
          "first_name": "mrbug"
          "username": "mrbugbounty",
          "language_code": "en"
      "chat": {
          "id": 100912345,
          "first_name": "mrbug",
          "username": "mrbugbounty",
          "type": "private"
      "date": 1641912157,
      "text": "Hello Friend"