
📓 A simple way to manage your Notion pages with Git.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple way to manage your Notion pages with Git. For example, back up your notes or deploy them on GitHub Pages.


  1. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt in Terminal.

  2. Duplicate config.example.py to config.py and set your configurations.

    TOKEN = '123456'  # Notion token
    PAGE = "Notes"  # name of the main page
    TYPE = 'markdown'  # 'markdown' or 'html'
    PROXY = 'socks5://localhost:8888'  # set to NONE if you don't need it
    LOCAL = '/Users/bugenzhao/Documents/Notes'  # repo's local path
    REMOTE = 'https://github.com/BugenZhao/Notes.git'  # remote repo

    Find your browser's cookies to get the Notion token_v2. For further instructions, visit Step 1 here.

  3. Run python3 ./main.py