Rick and Morty Characters App


A single-screen Android app built with Jetpack Compose that showcases characters from Rick and Morty. The app utilizes a Clean Architecture approach with the MVI pattern, providing a robust and maintainable codebase.


  • Character List: Displays a list of characters with images and names.
  • Favorites Toggle: Users can toggle between all characters and their favorited ones.
  • Endless Scrolling: Implements endless scroll for all character list.
  • Favorite Icon: Each character item features a favorite icon indicating its state.
  • Click Interaction: Clicking on a character toggles its favorite state.
  • Database Integration: Favorited characters are saved to a Room database.
  • Error Handling: Catches errors from the database, network, server, and unknown issues, with a retry button on the error screen for network issues.
  • Dark Mode Toggle: Users can switch between light and dark modes.

Tech Stack

  • Architecture: MVI with Clean Architecture
  • Database: Room
  • Dependency Injection: Hilt
  • Networking: Retrofit and OkHttp
  • UI: Jetpack Compose
  • Image Loading: Coil
  • Unit Tests: Junit and Mockk
