
Minimalist android movie database app built using Kotlin on top of TMDb API

Primary LanguageKotlin


Minimalist android movie database app built using Kotlin on top of TMDb API


Splash screen

Built using Kotlin Coroutines.

Movies list

2 Fragments i.e. Now Showing and Popular Movies (Poster, Title, Release date, Overview text)

Detailed view

Detailed overview, Release date, Backdrop image, Title, Trailers

Search Feature

Search in a directory of over 500,000+ movies

Local Cache

See your results offline. Built using Room.

Libraries/Arch used:

  • OkHttp3
  • Retrofit
  • Jetpack (LiveData, Lifecycle, Room)
  • Glide
  • Paging
  • MVVM architecture
  • Kotlin coroutines


Go to app/java/adeel/moviedb/API_KEY.kt and replace the dummy string with your TMDb API key