
ETL pipeline + Recommender API

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


ETL pipeline + Recommender API

Please note: A toggle to enable/disable the radar chart may arrive soon.

Usage (Production)

The Flask app returns 10 recommended songs based on one song's features.

Send a POST request to https://spotify-flow-ds.herokuapp.com/input passing in a JSON object of this structure:

    "track_id": "track id",
    "acousticness": (float),
    "danceability": (float),
    "duration_ms": (int),
    "energy": (float),
    "instrumentalness": (float),
    "key": (int),
    "liveness": (float),
    "loudness": (float),
    "mode": (int),
    "speechiness": (float),
    "tempo": (float),
    "time_signature": (int),
    "valence": (float),
    "popularity": (int)

If configured properly, returns:

    "radar_chart": "radar chart of inputted song^",
    "recommended_song_ids": [array of 10 song IDs]

^ A base64-encoded image. The radar chart uses the following features:

  • danceability
  • energy
  • instrumentalness
  • speechiness
  • valence

Usage (Development)

Clone the repo, then run the following terminal commands within the repo directory.

pipenv install
pipenv shell

To test the endpoint, create and run the following python code, replacing example JSON values accordingly.

import requests
import json
localURL = ''
herokuURL = 'https://spotify-flow-ds.herokuapp.com/input'
dictToSend = {
    "track_id": "2RM4jf1Xa9zPgMGRDiht8O",
    "acousticness": 0.00582,
    "danceability": 0.743,
    "duration_ms": 238373,
    "energy": 0.339,
    "instrumentalness": 0,
    "key": 1,
    "liveness": 0.0812,
    "loudness": -7.678,
    "mode": 1,
    "speechiness": 0.409,
    "tempo": 203.927,
    "time_signature": 4,
    "valence": 0.118,
    "popularity": 15
res = requests.post(localURL, data=json.dumps(dictToSend))
print ('RESPONSE FROM SERVER\n' + res.text)