Method Endpoint Body (required) Notes Response
[POST] register /api/auth/register username & password Creates a new user object in the database. id: 3 username:lupita password:(hashed)
[POST] register /api/auth/login username & password Returns a welcome message and the JSON Web Token. "message": "welcome, lupita", "token": "TokEnEXamPle1234"

USER End Points

Method Endpoint Body (required) Response
[GET] all users /api/users Authorized Header (not restricted as of now) Results in array of users.
[GET] user by id /api/users/:id Authorized Header (not restricted as of now) returns user object

ITEMS End Points (work in progress)

Method Endpoint Body (required) Response
[GET] all items /api/items Authorized Header (not restricted as of now) Results in array of items.
[GET] item by id /api/items/:id Authorized Header (not restricted as of now) Results in an item object.
[POST] add new item /api/items/add-item Authorized Header (not restricted as of now) new item object
[PUT] update an item /api/items/:id Authorized Header (not restricted as of now) updates item, returns id of updated item
[DELETE] by id /api/items/:id Authorized Header (not restricted as of now) message: 'Item with ${id} successfully deleted.'