
Recommends strain of medical marijuana based on user's diagnosis.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Open Endpoints

Open endpoints require no Authentication.


Used to create a new user.

URL : '/api/auth/register' Method : [POST]

Request Body

Name Type Required Description
username String Yes Must be unique
password String Yes
email String Yes
age_verified Boolean Yes defaults to false
reason_for_use String Yes
medical_condition String Yes
desired_effect String Yes


    username: "Banana",
    password: "testing",
    email: "mail@testmail.com",
    age_verified: true,
    reason_for_use: "medicinal",
    medical_condition: "anxiety",
    desired_effect: "relaxed"


201 (Created)
  • If a user is successfully registered, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with status code 201, and the registered user object
400 (Bad Request)
  • If registration information is invalid or incomplete, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 400.
500 (Internal Service Error)
  • If there is a server or database error, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 500.


Used to log in and authenticate user.

URL : '/api/auth/login' Method : [POST]

Request Body

Name Type Required Description
username String Yes Must match username in database.
password String Yes Must match password corresponding to username in database.


    username: "Banana",
    password: "testing"


200 (OK)
  • If you successfully log in, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200, a welcome message and a JWT for the logged in user.
401 (Unauthorized)
  • If you provide invalid credentials, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 401.
500 (Internal Service Error)
  • If there is a server or database error, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 500.

Authenticated Endpoints

Endpoints requre authentication for logged in users.

###Get Recommendations

Used to get a list of recommended strains.

URL : '/api/recommendations/' Method : [GET]


Name Type Required Description
Content-type String Yes Must be application/JSON
Authorization String Yes JSON web token


200 (OK)
  • If recommendations are found, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200.
404 (Not Found)
  • If recommendations are not found, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 404.
500 (Internal Service Error)
  • If there is a server or database error, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 500.

Recommendations by ID

URL : '/api/recommendations/:id' Method : [GET]


Name Type Required Description
Content-type String Yes Must be application/JSON
Authorization String Yes JSON web token


200 (OK)
  • If recommendation with specified ID is found, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200.
404 (Not Found)
  • If recommendation with specified ID is not found, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 404.
500 (Internal Service Error)
  • If there is a server or database error, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 500.

Create a recommendation

Creates a new recommendation.

URL : '/api/recommendations/add' Method : [POST]


Name Type Required Description
Content-type String Yes Must be application/JSON
Authorization String Yes JSON web token

Request Body

Name Type Required Description
Name String Yes
Description String No
Tags String No
User ID Integer Yes Links to Users table


    name: "Harlequin",
    description: "4-7% THC, 8-16% CBD",
    tags: "pain, stress, depression, inflamation and headache",
    user_id: 7


201 (Created)
  • If recommendation is successfully created, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 201.
400 (Bad Request)
  • If recommendation data is invalid, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 400.
500 (Internal Service Error)
  • If there is a server or database error, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 500.

Update a recommendation by ID

Makes changes to an existing recommendation.

URL : '/api/recommendations/:id' Method : [PUT]


Name Type Required Description
Content-type String Yes Must be application/JSON
Authorization String Yes JSON web token

Request Body

Name Type Required Description
Name String Yes
Description String No
Tags String No
User ID Integer Yes Links to Users table


    name: "Harlequin",
    description: "4-7% THC, 8-16% CBD",
    tags: "pain, stress, depression, inflamation and headache",
    user_id: 7


200 (OK)
  • If recommendation is successfully updated, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200.
404 (Not Found)
  • If recommendation with specified ID is not found and updated, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 404.
401 (Unauthorized)
  • If user does not have access, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with status code of 401.
500 (Internal Service Error)
  • If there is a server or database error, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 500.

Delete a recommendation by ID

Makes changes to an existing recommendation.

URL : '/api/recommendations/:id' Method : [DELETE]


Name Type Required Description
Content-type String Yes Must be application/JSON
Authorization String Yes JSON web token


200 (OK)
  • If recommendation is found and deleted, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200.
404 (Not Found)
  • If recommendation with specified ID is not found and deleted, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 404.
401 (Unauthorized)
  • If user does not have access, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with status code of 401.
500 (Internal Service Error)
  • If there is a server or database error, the endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 500.