- 0
add mutation to resend confirmation email
#63 opened by manny-e1 - 1
add mutation to add product description
#28 opened by benyam7 - 1
add mutation for sending request to supplier
#33 opened by benyam7 - 1
add subscription for request notifications
#34 opened by benyam7 - 1
add mutation to accept/decline request
#35 opened by benyam7 - 1
explore facebooks dataloader
#52 opened by benyam7 - 1
send confirmation mail for both company's email and user email to label user as verified
#54 opened by benyam7 - 0
add mutation to report user as a scam
#55 opened by benyam7 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
add query to get supplier by it's id
#27 opened by benyam7 - 0
add mutation to create review on product
#31 opened by benyam7 - 0
add query to fetch all reviews
#32 opened by benyam7 - 0
add mutation to update review
#45 opened by benyam7 - 0
add mutation to delete review
#46 opened by benyam7 - 0
when updating product it overwrites the unique attributes to null if not given a value
#43 opened by manny-e1 - 1
- 0
user query to get user by id
#40 opened by hellyab - 0
deleteUser mutation to delete user
#41 opened by hellyab - 0
add mutation to edit user profile
#29 opened by benyam7 - 0
- 0
middleware for updateProduct
#25 opened by manny-e1 - 0
add filter to products query
#21 opened by manny-e1 - 1
add new product mutation
#19 opened by manny-e1 - 0
add query for product
#20 opened by manny-e1 - 1
refactor code for better codacy A badge
#13 opened by benyam7 - 0
refactor schema to fit client need
#8 opened by benyam7 - 0
setup apollo studio
#11 opened by benyam7 - 0
- 0
enforce mutation responses to implement MutationResponse interface for better error handling on client side
#12 opened by benyam7 - 0
validate new input fields for signup
#17 opened by benyam7 - 0
add new properties for signup returned token
#16 opened by benyam7 - 0
add create-product-post mutation
#9 opened by benyam7 - 0
add get-products-post query
#10 opened by benyam7 - 0
validate user input
#6 opened by benyam7 - 0
Setup authentication
#4 opened by benyam7 - 0
Setup authorization
#5 opened by benyam7 - 1
brainstorm backend
#3 opened by benyam7 - 1
Test Issue
#2 opened by benyam7