
bug: Angular import paths are incorrect with child components

sean-perkins opened this issue · 1 comments

I am interested in helping provide a fix!


Which generators are impacted?

  • All
  • Angular
  • HTML
  • Preact
  • Qwik
  • React
  • React-Native
  • Solid
  • Stencil
  • Svelte
  • Vue
  • Web components

Reproduction case

Expected Behaviour

An additional import statement (or the existing one replaced) should import the generated module of the component, instead of the component class.

+import { ChildComponentModule } from "./child";
-import { ChildComponent } from "./child";

Actual Behaviour

The generated output is missing a necessary import for the Angular module:

  declarations: [MyComponent],
  imports: [CommonModule, ChildComponentModule],
  exports: [MyComponent],

ChildComponentModule is not imported in the generated output.

Additional Information

Angular standalone components could be a solid replacement for modules to simplify the generated output.

This is the code that generates Mitosis component imports:

if (importMapper) {
return importMapper(component, theImport, importedValues, componentsUsed);
return importValue
? `import ${isTypeImport ? 'type' : ''} ${importValue} from '${path}';`
: `import '${path}';`;

We actually have an importMapper here that can be passed as an option by generators, and is passed by the Angular generator:

component: json,
target: 'angular',
excludeMitosisComponents: !options.standalone && !options.preserveImports,
preserveFileExtensions: options.preserveFileExtensions,
importMapper: options?.importMapper,

Easiest way would be to set a default value for options.importMapper in the DEFAULT_OPTIONS:

const options = initializeOptions('angular', DEFAULT_OPTIONS, userOptions);

So that it imports the correct thing (depending on whether options.standalone is true or false)