- 0
- 1
- 1
Fragment 'key' attribute is not used in react output
#1648 opened by lukjab71 - 0
Qwik: Functions passed as props are not suffixed with $
#1645 opened by k-schneider - 0
__EXPERIMENTAL__ is not defined
#1643 opened by ImBIOS - 2
Missing broader Android support.
#1594 opened by skylerreimer - 0
Svelte 5 support
#1627 opened by rgevrek - 4
- 0
Angular missing imports
#1492 opened by WesselSmit - 1
Initialization command directly reports an error
#1603 opened by yangdan8 - 4
Children prop is broken on Angular
#1580 opened by seasheepjoe - 0
Using html entities for angle brackets gives different result in react and angular
#1586 opened by lukjab71 - 3
- 1
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rmdir
#1583 opened by YvanneROSAT - 0
Functions in propos in mitosis component not transpiled to propfunction in qwik output
#1581 opened by waozixyz - 3
- 3
- 1
Angular: Output EventEmitter should remove "on"
#1537 opened by bastiW - 0
default prop types are not properly passed in angular component
#1563 opened by themistoklis-bogiatzoglou - 0
- 2
Qwik adds js / ts extension on import
#1465 opened by bastiW - 1
Mitosis Playground refresh the page to reset the settings
#1456 opened by codeusb - 0
Watch or Hot-Reload cli script
#1530 opened by KevinEdry - 0
Installation not working on windows
#1444 opened by Giuliano1993 - 1
HTML Output for JSX doesn't render text
#1496 opened by jackmaders - 2
- 3
- 4
React's defaultProps will be remove from function components in a future release
#1471 opened by Th1nkK1D - 3
How to test a mitosis component ?
#1268 opened by jeco123 - 0
Angular modules not exposed in barrel export
#1491 opened by WesselSmit - 0
Svelte default props are conflicted between TypeScript's props type and useDefaultProps causing an unusable output
#1472 opened by Th1nkK1D - 2
Support for custom generators / targets
#1322 opened by commax89 - 1
Sveltosis doesn't work on Fiddle
#1327 opened by effulgentsia - 1
Svelteosis not working on
#1414 opened by SOG-web - 0
Slots: Angular and Vue behave diffently
#1350 opened by nmerget - 0
Angular [attr.disabled]
#1313 opened by nmerget - 3
bug: incorrect react native code generation
#1390 opened by parwinders - 21
Bug: slots with data
#1333 opened by Marvin-Brouwer - 3
- 0
React named slots getting prefixed with the word 'Slot'
#1301 opened by Vishvam10 - 2
Vue2 `For` component not generating `template`
#1332 opened by Marvin-Brouwer - 3
- 2
[FEAT Contribution] Plugin Support for vue V-Model integration and event interoperability
#1266 opened by D4RKAR117 - 11
Support for custom components in mitosis compiler
#1303 opened by aminezouari52 - 1
"Could not replace node." added in vue-component
#1309 opened by Farnsi - 0
cli ignore parts of config settings
#1312 opened by rottmann - 0
Treat module scrope correctly for Svelte and Vue
#1311 opened by nmn - 1
support `children` as render prop
#1289 opened by smeijer - 0
critical/high Vulnerabilities
#1281 opened by paul-asvb - 1
Lackluster developer docs
#1269 opened by markusbkk