Project for scrapping comments of a youtube video.
Python Version used: 3.10.2
This part lists all the tutorials, which were used to setup the python developer environment.
- Python Docs
- Command used to install a virtual environment with the chosen python version
C:/Users/"USERNAME HERE"/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/python -m venv ./.venv
- or, when the correct version of python ist already installed on the host
/python -m venv ./.venv
- venv needs to be activated with this command
. .venv/Scripts/activate
"terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": false,
→ needs to be added to the settings.json of vs code. So it doesn't use the Python environment of the current system.- Package Management
python -m pip install boto3
→ install packagespip freeze > requirements.txt
→ to get a list of all installed packagespip install -r requirements.txt
→ to install all needed packagespython -m pip install pip-autoremove
→ must have packgepython ./comment-crawler/.venv/Scripts/ boto3
→ to remove a package and all of its dependencies
YouTube Data API v3
- This Guide for getting started with the Google Cloud Platform, setting up a project there and the generating an API key
- Installed Google API Python Client for easier API usage (cmd:
pip install google-api-python-client
) - Youtube Data API Reference