ASTA-MD- Simple Multi Device whatsapp bot. * REPLIT SUPPORT ENDED *
- If You don't have an account in Heroku. Create a account.
- If you Have Heroku Deploy Now
Make Sure Run this on a Heroku Teams Not Personal Heroku, I recommed using it Eco Dynos too.
- If You don't have an account On Railway. Create a account.
- Fork and star this repo.
- Now head towards, select Deploy from repo.
- Now select the forked repository, select branch.
- Now go to Variables and add variable listed below.
- Go to Deployments and wait for deplyment to complete.
- and you're good to go.
- If You don't have an account On Okteto. Create a account.
Fork and star this repo.
Now head towards Lunch Dev Environment
Now select the forked GURU BOT repository.
Now go to Variables and add variable listed below.
Then Click Lunch and wait for deplyment to complete.
and you're good to go.
Star ⭐ the repo if you like ASTA-MD.
- This bot is not made by
WhatsApp Inc.
So misusing the bot mightban
yourWhatsApp account!
(Though your WhatsApp account can be unbanned only once.) - I am not responsible for banning your account.
- Use at your own risk by keeping this warning in mind.
- Not For Sale
- If A plugin's code is obfuscated , You don't have permission to edit it in any form
- Don't Forget to Give Credits If you are using or Reuploading My Plugins/files
- Have A Good Day Ahead