
Original Display

Opened this issue · 13 comments

In the info you say something about an orig Display:
Do you mean the Original display from sovol or from the raspberry pi?
I ask because i cant get the Display from sovol to work.

Which firmware do you install?

I was am using your old firmware but I have the configs updatet to the new ones but I can't get it to work.
I have updated start end macros, macros and index mode

You must use the new firmware.bin all you need is in release 1.0.1

it still does not work. i have installed your new firmware on the mcu but i cant get the display to change the bin into a cur.
what am i doing wrong?

Which config fiele you use?

Do you change the repository?

The config file is the old one but I didn't change the repository

Do I have to install the new firmware to both the display and the MCU?

Thank you very much

I install original display and it works. It is normal the there isn't "print" command?

Yes at the moment. You can't start a print with the display. At the moment only for temp and cancel and secure stop