
Wii U RAM TCP Debugger Client/Cheat Code Manager



JGecko U is a replacement for TCP Gecko.NET as a platform independent Wii U RAM debugger and cheat code manager for Wii U titles.

It is the most advanced Wii U game hack/cheat development tool which is used by almost all mod developers and end users across all Wii U titles.


PC side:

  • Install Java 20.
    A Java bug has been observed with even newer versions of Java regarding the file chooser. It's therefore not recommended to use Java versions beyond 20 at this point. In general, JGecko U may raise the minimum required Java version from time to time, so using an "antiquated" Java version like Java 8 will not be supported forever. Updating your Java version will make it easier for you to continue using JGecko U with better features and higher performance going forward (without running into trouble to even start the application).
  • Download JGecko U.jar from here*
  • Double-click JGecko U.jar OR type java -jar "JGecko U.jar" on the command line/Terminal to launch JGecko U

Wii U side:

  • Download the TCP Gecko Installer. Extract it to your SD Card into the folder E:\wiiu\apps\TCPGecko*
  • Proceed to run the Homebrew Launcher by visiting http://u.wiidb.de with your Wii U. Finally, load the TCP Gecko Installer app and confirm the desired TCP Gecko Installer installation mode.

*Alternatively: Use the Gecko U Updater application.

A YouTube video visually showing the full setup guide can be found here.

Regarding Aroma support, there currently isn't an "official" TCP Gecko Plugin you can use in combination with JGecko U but one might be finished and released in the future one way or another.


  • JGecko U does not connect successfully despite following all steps correctly:
    Usually, your (Windows) Firewall will ask you for permission to allow java.exe to access the network the first time you're trying to use the network with a Java application like JGecko U. Obviously, you need to give this permission (and specify you're inside a private network). Note: If no such pop-up comes up, you may need to manually add a firewall rule to allow java.exe to access the network. This is something that prevented some users from connecting JGecko U successfully. After adding the firewall rule, the connection should work fine.

Donator features

Since the application took months or even years to develop and I worked on it alone, I made some features of JGecko U donator only. If you appreciate this application and want to unlock extra features (mainly useful for code creation and development), feel free to become a donator on the Donator tab in JGecko U. The following features will become available after donator license activation:


  • Add Dump Registers Hook: Adds an assembly hook to dump values of registers of interest
  • Add Dump Structures Hook: Adds an assembly hook dump structures of interest
  • Insert Hook: Allows inserting assembly instructions at the current address in the disassembler (performs a jump to the injected assembly and a jump to safely return after execution)
  • Delete Hook: Removes an inserted hook again
  • Parse Immediate: Finds corresponding lis/ori or lis/addi etc. pairs (which setup the same register) and gets the address referenced by both of them

Cafe Code Creation

  • Code Wizard: Supports creating all (or mostly all) codetypes via easy to use dialogs and input components


  • Watchlist: Allows watching the current values of multiple addresses (including pointer support and view modes)


  • Obfuscate Assembly: Allows obfuscating assembly sources with mathematical tricks to make reverse engineering hard (note: this feature is experimental and may not be completely stable. Intended to be used on simple and short assembly RAM writes)
  • Parse IDA Pro ASM File: Allows loading assembly instructions from an IDA Pro .asm file

View Modes

  • Memory Viewer View Mode: Allows switching the view mode of all data in the memory viewer
  • Search Tab View Mode: Allows switching the view mode of all results in the search tab

Feature Requests/Problems

You can post them in one of the following places:


The following types of requests will NOT be answered:

  • Requests for code creation or sharing codes (-> this is not related to bugs or features of JGecko U)
  • Reports regarding codes not working correctly (-> unless you can prove that there is a code handler bug)
  • Requests regarding connection problems (-> follow the setup guide and verify your network/IP address(es))
  • Requests regarding learning how to get started with making codes (-> watch/read tutorials like the ones on my YouTube channel first)


Check the About tab in JGecko U.