
MVC Framework for NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MVC Framework for NodeJS

Demo source: https://github.com/Buminta/wnodejs-demo

Documents: https://github.com/Buminta/WNodeJS/wiki

What's WNodeJS?

  • It's MVC Framwork for nodejs
  • It's Using: ExpressJS, Socket.IO, Jade, Mongooese,...
  • It's supports:
    • Create multi application
    • Manager and render View
    • Manager and config Model
    • Create Controller and Action inside controller
    • Manager and process params, args from url
    • Open socket.io
    • Supporter Interface for Controller to render view.
    • Supporter require mores Object for using
    • Supporter extends, implement, interface method for Class.


npm install wnodejs

Version 2.0.x -> latest

  • File package.json config
"dependencies": {
   "wnodejs": "2.0.x",
 "engines": {
   "node": "0.10.x",
   "npm": "1.4.x"
  • File index.js
 //config port, using socket, mongodb
 var configs = require(__dirname+"/configs.js");
 var wnodejs = require("wnodejs");

 //use root path for all application
 wnodejs.use("root_path", __dirname);

 //use config for app
 wnodejs.use("configs", configs);

 //Start run app
  • Default configs.js file
 module.exports = {
   listen_port: 3000,
   defaultApp: "demo",
   database: {
     host: "",
     name: "msocial"

   //security key for session and cookie
   sercurity: {
     key: "express.sid",
     secret: "1234567890QWERTY"
   // socket_path: "/socket_app.js" // If dose'nt using u can comment line here
   // var global for using: socket, session
  • All application inside app folder
 ├── api
 │   ├── controllers
 │   │   └── ... //home.js
 │   ├── init.js
 │   └── models
 └── demo
     ├── controllers
     │   ├── ... //home.js
     ├── init.js
     ├── models
     │   └── ... //auth_users.js
     ├── modules
     │   └── ...
     ├── static
     │   ├── css
     │   │   ├── ...
     │   ├── ...
     │   └── js
     │       ├── ...
     └── views
         ├── ...
  • init.js file for configs app
 module.exports = {
   defaultController: "home",
   defaultAction: "index",
   staticFolder: "static",
   debug: true,