
Bot to post a daily report about Stripe/UptimeRobot in Slack

Primary LanguageRuby

Deploy CircleCI

Kolab Slack Bot

Made following https://github.com/slack-ruby/slack-ruby-bot/blob/master/TUTORIAL.md

This reports on amount of Stripe Customers & UptimeRobot stats from the last 24h.

You can run the report manually by running bundle exec rake kolab:daily_report

Sample Output

:bar_chart::clipboard: *Daily Report:* :clipboard::bar_chart:

_Bundlify Marketing_: Uptime: 100.000% | Average response time: 94.000ms | SSL Expires: Friday Aug  2, 2019
_Bundlify Style Guide_: Uptime: 100.000% | Average response time: 228.000ms | SSL Expires: Friday Sep 28, 2018

_Total Customers_: 194
_New Customers in last day_: 10

Setting up

Push to heroku, populate your environmental configuration based on what you find in .env.example.

Then setup the rake task bundle exec rake kolab:daily_report as a scheduled task to run daily.

What it reports

  • UptimeRobot - Daily Uptime, response time and the SSL Certificate expiry date
  • Stripe - Amount of customers.