You can see it here:
- Added a donation button so that all those who care could contribute to the production of new interesting websites and games.
- Added a link to Discord, as I now have a server where I invite people to chat and stay connected.
- Added music.
- Fixed a bug where multiple hints could be selected at once.
- Now, when hovering over a hint, the camera stops rotating.
- Improved the loader button, it now stops rotating when active.
- Added a custom cursor that I drew manually!
The website was created for learning purposes. I tried to use everything I learned. The website may be quite meaningless, but it looks good, doesn't it?
- The loader and 3D model were created in Blender
- All animation was created using JS and GLSL
- All textures are created by baking. There is no light in the scene
It was a long journey in learning JS, Three.js, and Blender. I am very grateful to Bruno Simon for creating such an inspiring portfolio with the red car. I am glad to learn from the best. I bought his course and am happy to learn from the best.
⚠ Download Node.js. Run this followed commands:
# Just be sure that you've got parcel js on you system
npm install
# Serve at localhost:1234
npm run dev
# Build for production in the dist/ directory
npm run build