
A SDK to simplify creating character model replacements in Lethal Company

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A SDK to simplify creating character model replacements in Lethal Company. See the API repo to learn how model replacement works.

  • Note: Not an actual SDK yet, just a tool for creating ModelReplacementAPI compliant assetbundles

How to Install

  • Have Unity 2022.3.9f1 installed, with a new HDRP project open.
  • Have Git installed.
  • Open the Package Manager within Unity by hitting Window->Package Manager at the top.
  • Hit "Add package from git url...", then punch the following in: https://github.com/BunyaPineTree/LethalCompany_ModelReplacementSDK.git#upm
  • Make sure to update it regularly by hitting the "Update" button!

Current Functionality

A unity editor based workflow that:

  • Has a "Setup Model" button that automatically assigns all of the necessary components to a humanoid model
  • Automatically calculates your model's position offset, scale, and rotation offsets on each bone to match the scavenger.
  • Has interaction handles to position a held item's position offset.
  • Has an inspector window that allows you to set assetbundle names, prefab names, and has buttons for reinitializing the character and building assetbundles
  • Has native support for a modified version of UnityJigglePhysics to simplify the creation of models with bone physics.

Planned Functionality

A "Setup Project" button that performs the following

  • Requests a directory to place a project folder.
  • Searches for the default Lethal Company directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Lethal Company\, if missing it will prompt the user to enter this directory.
  • Contains a basic model replacement mod template with .csproj, Plugin.cs, BasicModelReplacements.cs
    • .csproj: Auto-populates the LC directory, auto-embeds the assetbundle into resources, contains all other necessary items to build the project. This can be done with replaceable strings \$assetbundlename$ \$LCdir$, etc... in the template.
    • Plugin.cs: Auto-populates the assetbundle name into the Assets class and mod info in the PluginInfo class, contains basic config.
    • BasicModelReplacements.cs: For each gameObject with OffsetBuilder in the designated build folder, create a ModelReplacement class with name derived from the asset name, and populate the asset name in LoadAssetsAndReturnModel()
  • Copies all scripts from a designated Scripts folder into a Scripts folder in the VS project folder.

The Build AssetBundles button should automatically overwrite the assetbundle in the project folder

These steps should be sufficient to create a mod project that is immediately buildable by the user.

Difficulties in Implementing This Solution

  • Updating modified asset names or asset bundle names is nearly impossible with this solution
  • If we allow multiple assetbundles, do we make them separate projects or place them all in a single Assets class with multiple assetbundles?
  • Besides replacing assetbundles on build, should any other functionality be implemented using the project folder?

Possible Solutions to Above

  • A designated settings menu for ModelReplacementAPI that allows you to manage individual projects. A project would contain:
    • One single asset bundle name
    • A project folder location
    • Assembly Name, Mod GUID, name, possibly version
  • Under above, each OffsetBuilder component would not allow you to type an asset bundle name, but instead select a project.
  • This solution may be overbuilt