Movie Collection
General Info
Movie Collection is a Spring Boot Web Application using Spring Boot, Maven, JPA/Hibernate, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, Spring Security, H2 Database.
- Add movies to the collection or Delete / Update movies from the collection.
- View movie entries (Name, Release Date, Description, Image, Rating, Cast)
- Login / Register to have access to viewing the collection or managing it.
- Authorization system, meaning that you have to be the admin to add/update/delete movies but viewing is accessable via a user role.
How To Use
What You Need
Make sure port 8080 isn't in use.
- Download the files and make sure they're inside a folder. (Name can be anything)
- On SpringToolSuite4 (or Eclipse), File -> Import -> Existing Maven Projects -> Choose the folder
- When importing process is done, right-click on the root directory (from Package Explorer) Run As -> Spring Boot Application
- After downloading the files, place the .jar file under the JAR folder anywhere you like.
- Then open the terminal, navigate to the directory that the .jar file is in.
- Type this command to run: java -jar FILENAME.jar (in this case, java -jar movie-collection-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
- And to shutdown the app, while still in the terminal: press CTRL + C on Linux/Windows or press Command + . (period) on Mac.
- Once the app runs, open your browser and type http://localhost:8080 as the url. You'll get redirected to the login page.
- You can register, then login. There are already two registered accounts in the app.
- Username: user Password: user for a normal user experince (same as a newly registered account)
- Username: admin Password: admin for an admin user experience (You can add, edit and delete movie entries with this account).