
Automation testing framework (UI) - an example. Based on Ruby, Selenium, and Cucumber

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Automation testing framework (UI) - an example. Based on Ruby, Selenium, and Cucumber

GitHub Codacy Badge Ruby Selenium testing


Ruby 2.7.*, selenium-webdriver 3.142.7, rspec 3.9.0, cucumber 3.1.2,
Firefox 90.0, geckodriver 0.29.1,
Chrome 81.0.4044.122, chromedriver 81.0.4044.69

Project structure

-- automaton-v4
   |-- .gitattributes
   |-- .gitignore
   |-- Gemfile
   |-- LICENSE
   |-- README.md
   `-- features
       |-- browser.feature
       |-- google.feature
       |-- initial.feature
       `-- support
       |    |-- env.rb
       `-- step_definition
           |-- browser.rb
           |-- google.rb
           |-- initial.rb

How to prepare environment

  1. Install Ruby
  2. Clone or copy (download) the repository into your target folder
  3. Move to automaton-v4 folder, and execute command bundle install
  4. Install Firefox / Chrome web browser
  5. Download and install geckodriver / chromedriver

How to run tests

  1. Open terminal window
  2. Go to automaton-v4 folder
  3. Execute bundle exec cucumber

How to run particular file or scenario

  1. bundle exec cucumber features/google.feature for Mac / Linux or bundle exec cucumber features\google.feature for Windows, will execute all scenarios in google.feature file
  2. bundle exec cucumber features/google.feature:4 for Mac / Linux or bundle exec cucumber features\google.feature:4 for Windows, will execute the first scenario in google.feature file
  3. bundle exec cucumber features/google.feature:17 for Mac / Linux or bundle exec cucumber features\google.feature:17 for Windows, will execute the second scenario with the first parameter from Examples table in google.feature file

How to run test/s in Chrome browser

Go to any UI scenario and change the tag from @firefox to @chrome.

Technology stack and helpful info

GitHub, cloning repository