
Automation testing framework (API) - an example. Based on Python, Unittest

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Automation testing framework (API) - an example. Based on Python, Unittest

GitHub Codacy Badge Python unittest testing


Python 3.6.*/3.7.*/3.8.*, Unittest,
virtualenv (virtual environment manager)

Project structure

-- automaton-v5
   |-- .gitattributes
   |-- .gitignore
   |-- calls.py
   |-- LICENSE
   |-- README.md
   |-- requirements.txt
   `-- tests
       |-- initial.py
       |-- test_api.py

How to prepare environment

  1. Install Python
  2. Install and configure virtualenv
  3. Clone or copy (download) the repository into your virtual environment
  4. Activate virtual environment, move to automaton-v5 folder, and execute command pip install -r requirements.txt

How to run tests

  1. Open terminal window
  2. Move to virtual environment folder
  3. Activate virtual environment
  4. Move to automaton-v5 folder
  5. Execute python -m unittest discover tests "*.py" -v

Technology stack and helpful info

Python 3.6 / Python 3.7 / Python 3.8
GitHub, cloning repository