
A Telegram bot that fetches the currently playing song from Last.fm and posts details about the song to a specified channel.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tunified (Inspired by Tunify)

A Telegram bot that fetches the currently playing song from Last.fm and posts details about the song to a specified channel.



  • Fetches the now playing song from Last.fm.
  • Utilizes Spotify and YTDL modules to get the required metadata for the tracks.
  • Posts the song details to a Telegram channel.
  • Updates the post every 5 seconds to reflect the current song.
  • Shows the Last listened song date and time.
  • Configurable via .env file for API keys and other settings.

Prerequisites & Setup:

  • Node.js v14+ installed.
  • Telegram Bot API token.
  • Last.FM client installed in your phone for scrobbling tracks (it is recommanded to use pano scrobbler if you are on Android).
  • Last.fm API key, Shared secret and username.
  • Spotify Client ID & Client Secret.
  • Telegram Channel ID.

1. Download and install Node.js.

2. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Burhanverse/Tunified.git
    cd Tunified

3. Install dependencies:

    npm install

4. Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following environment variables:


5. Get your Last.FM API KEY & SHARED SECERT from here remember to login with the same account you use for scrobbling tracks as this will serve as the main source for the bot to display the current playing track data.

6. Add the bot @myidbot to your chat or channel → send the command /getgroupid@myidbot and follow the instructions in the bot.

7. To get TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN, go to chat with @BotFather and send the command /newbot. Following the instructions. Upon completion, @BotFather will give you the bot token. Don't forget to add the bot to your channel.

8. Go to this link (login if required) to get your SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID & SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET. In your "Dashboard" click on "CREATE AN APP". Enter any name and description of the application. Now ,in the Redirect URIs field enter https://example.com/ , check all the boxes down below and → click "CREATE AN APP". Now copy the ID and SECERT and put it in the .env file.

9. TELEGRAM_USER is your first name on Telegram.

10.Start the bot:

    npm start
  • Updates to latest source from github, clean installs module as speciefied in package-lock.json and then starts the bot.

OR for normal startup of the bot,

    node bot.mjs

The bot will now fetch the currently playing song from Last.fm every 5 seconds and post details to the specified Telegram channel.